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Elijah Streams - Donna Rigney - The Paul Reveres Will Arise - Trump Will Be Promoted - Captioned
Steve Shultz will be interviewing Donna Rigney on February 28 at 11AM Pacific Time. Donna will be discussing God’s plans for Donald Trump, leaders being removed and replaced, God’s glory invasion, and more! Please join us this Wednesday with Donna Rigney!
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✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Full Video Transcript:
And happy Wednesday, the 28th of February 2024. Welcome to Elijah streams. I'm Steve Schultz, your host, and we are now recording this. As you can see the day before it's 2 45 PM on Tuesday. So we're going to break down a regular, just a few minutes. And I see the first thing on the list, other than an announcement we're going to make on her behalf is a.
Delightful visit to heaven. I'm really excited. I always love those. As you know, I'm the guy that likes heaven stories. So we're going to be, we'll start right off with that once we're done with this announcement. So, an announcement that Wendy Griffith, who is from CBN, a dear friend, she will be on Thursday.
On Elijah stream, she'll be on with Julie Smith, who does some of the subbing for me. I'll be on a plane, or actually I'll be back there with Johnny on that at that time. So I won't be here. But when he's in good hands, and she already knows, Julie will be doing the show with her. So she's a very long time friend with CBN.
And so we're. Grateful to have her on the show. All right, let's let's go ahead. We're going to run a quick spot on the wells that we're digging. So here we go with that.
Love those smiling, happy children of Uganda. Especially since we just got back, excuse me, from there. It's just so neat to see them here and hear their laughs. And it's a great, great place, wonderful, wonderful people. So, but very much in need of clean water. So thank you so much for your generosity. All right.
Time to bring in Donna Rigney. So here's Donna.
Donna, you're always so smiling when you come online. Good for you. . I'd love to come. , it's good to see you. You're just so, you, you so much have the joy of the Lord and Chris. I probably, most of our guests do, but I mean, the ones that are especially filled with the joy is your, is like yourself and like Yvonne is just always smiling ear to ear and it's all real.
I mean, I've known you for a long time and it's, it's just like that. So while you have an announcement of something. That you're working on that we're getting behind with Elijah streams. We're going to bless you in both sharing what you have to show to show about a facility that's become available but we have to see if we can raise the money.
And of course we'll help from Elijah streams as well, but tell the story what you have and where it is and all of that, how much it is. Thank you so much, Steve. I really, really appreciate the last time I was on with you. We spoke about that. We had moved from the church on the rock where we were having service to the VFW post.
Veterans of foreign war and we're renting there. And the Lord had sent a prophet from Nigeria to our church and prior to our moving and he prophesied you are no longer going to be paying rent. God wants you to get a building code. He's going to give you a building. It's going to be open 24, seven.
Wow. Well, I think you're not hearing from God. Cause Jack and I never thought about doing that. And and then one thing after another, you know, how the, what confirms. The word over and over. He did not leave us alone. And and then things closed, the door closed at the church on the rock. We moved to the VFW post and then this church went up for sale and in Palm coast and let's go ahead and should we go ahead and show that while you talk about it, then here's, so it's, it's huge.
It's 28, 000 square feet and it's on 18 acres and it's on the main road, right near the highway. Okay. So it's easily accessible to everybody. It, it kind of fit all the requirements that we have. Did you say the name of the community or city that we're talking about? It's in Bunnell, which is part of Palm coast, Palm coast, Florida.
Okay. And you said, and how far is that from Daytona beach? Oh, it's maybe a half hour to 45 minutes. Okay. So for people that like me, that don't know the region very well. And it's like a half hour from St. Augustine. So we're sandwiched in between the two. And did you say this is close to the coast itself?
Like how far is it from the actual beach? Oh, not far at all. It's very, very close, but not dangerous near, you know, for hurricanes. So it's far enough away that we won't get, you know, hit badly because with a hurricane, but it's close, like 20 minutes in the car to get to the beach. Good. Looks like a nice place, but I, but you said it needed a lot of work.
So we're, what we're going to ask people to do is we're going to ask people to contribute to that. What is the price that they're asking for that? Asking 3, 950, 000. Okay. That's still, it's a lot, but it's not a lot for a whole building and all the complex and eight, all those, how many acres? We're telling.
Whoa, yeah, you can do building on that. The whole thing. Couldn't you? I mean, they've had a school there in the past in the building is the building is huge. So it's going to need a lot of renovation because the roof always has been leaking. So we've got a lot of work. Ahead of us, but God is showing us what I felt is that it's a prophetic sign that he's asking his bride to take this on to restore it and rebuild it back to what its original intent.
That picture of the bride of Christ taking the United States. Oh, and restoring the United States back to its original intent. Wow. Now. So what we want to do is we've got a website to tell people to go. We want to raise funds for this. Building and the expectation is that we're going to get this building.
See that we've just put that right there down below. I can't put my thing there. Cause so Donna Rigney. org slash give, we're going to leave that up there. I'm going to leave it up there a lot during our conversation. So people will. Who come into this late and want to know what that, what that is. But I mean, we could have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of smaller donations.
We could have one donation of 3, 600, whatever that total was, or some, something in between. But our hope is to raise a lot of the funds, even starting the day that you watch this and on reruns, let's help Donna get this because that's going to be, I can see that being a regional gathering. It's seats 500 and some, right?
So it can be like a regional gathering place near Daytona Daytona beach. And so when there's conferences that are on the East coast, that would be one of the options, or you may have smaller conferences in that area, but people have been flying in from all over the world to see Donna and have, you know, Have her open portals and have deliverances that she, her team helps with.
And so we need a really good place. So some of you who are whether you have 1, a hundred dollars, a hundred thousand dollars, you know, just, I really want to give you an opportunity to begin to sell in this. And we're going to the Lord willing, we'll get this building and we'll, we'll continue to mention it when we, when Donna comes back on but anything else you want to say about.
Well, just that it really, to me, the whole essence of the building is God wants a place where his glory can move freely without any hindrances. Oh, and he wants to be free. To move, and I believe with revival, we're seeing this happen as we go to different places and opening portals that the glory is falling so strong that revival is breaking out in those places.
We just came back from Hawaii. We were there administering did for services in Hawaii. And the people were so touched, the glory portal open, the glory of God just fell on everyone. It just was wonderful to say so much. So they want me to go back and go to all the islands. We went to the big island and did that, but now different pastors were there from the other islands.
So they want to do a crusade and have me come back and go to all the islands. Cover all the islands . So good. So good. So good. And I, I, I believe that what God is doing when we go out to different places, he wants to get a hub hoe here in Palm Coast in Florida where like, you know, I just picture like a bicycle.
We have, you know, the center hub folks that go out, right? People will come get the glory, get deliverance, get some instruction, some training, and then go back and bring it back to their states, to their communities, to their countries. And see this revival break out all over the world. So good, so good. It's exciting what's going on.
We're just, I'm just going to share this one testimony that I have. Yes, please do. This woman had some tests done. She was, got sick and they found that she had a tumor, a cancerous tumor in her pancreas. So I had someone from the church that really flows in the gift of healing. Go to her house and pray with her.
I prayed with her over the phone. My husband and I did. The next day she went, or the day after, to get more tests done. And when she did, the tumor was gone. Oh man. And this is on the pancreas, which is one of the harshest places. People that get pancreatic cancer, that's, that's so many times a death sentence, isn't it?
So this is the type of thing that we're seeing God doing. And I just know he wants us to expand this, let it grow, let it go that so many people are in need. And he's told me he's raising up specialists that will have specialties. And so I see one person that really flows in the anointing for healing, for organs and healing, for cancer and tumors, another one for bones.
And, and arthritis and different parts of the body. Another one really powerful and praying for people for the baptism, the Holy Spirit, another group is really anointed and powerful for deliverance. So he's raising up teams of specialists and I see it as we will raise up and train people to specialize and go out to back to their community and notice that you've been very, very good about training people, training staff, training, people.
So that when. When they're, excuse me, when there's deliverances and things like that, it's not all on you, but if you have people that help do that, they're equally trained, which is very admirable because we came out of an era of the 80s, 90s, 2000s, where it's the one famous figure that had to do all of it.
Not anymore. That's raising up an army. And he says to me, duplicate yourself. That's so good.
Release them, train others, get them up and moving, you know, pray impartation as well, but there's a training and an equipping that we need to do. And we've been, we've been working hard at that. And so I just feel like now, you know, God wants to expand it. So good. So good. So good. It's very exciting. Wow.
Okay. Well, Donna, now you've got a lot on the plate here today. Let's start with the very first thing where you had a visit to heaven. So I'm excited to hear about that. It was wonderful. That was, that was like only days ago, right? Like nine days ago or something. Yep. I'm just going to just say a quick little prayer.
Father, I thank you so much for just opening up the heavens. And revealing yourself so wonderfully through Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that today you touch our hearts. You speak to us. You deliver people from areas where the enemy has gotten in into their lives with unbelief or fear, anxiety, different things.
Lord, I pray that just as your word goes forth, you would touch the hearts of your children and you would heal us, deliver us, and I release your glory. Let your glory pour out at everyone as they're watching in Jesus's name. Amen. Amen. Amen. I'm just going to start this preface this with today. I was in prayer and the Lord reminded me how back in 2019, I had an encounter with the father and I saw the world like, maybe this is the world and his hand was on it.
And he said, when my hand rests on the world. Everything's in its place. Everything's in order, except for when my hand lifts off, chaos rules. And I knew he was showing me that, that his hand was off and that chaos was coming. And that was in 2019, maybe July, 2019. And after that we had the stolen election.
Oh, we had COVID. We had all the problems that came up and chaos is ruled. Now today, when I met with him, he said to me, I'm putting my hand back on the world. Yay. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. So I asked him, I said, why, why are you putting it back? And I'll just read what he said to me. He said, so many of our children have cried out to us for our help and many have consecrated themselves and their lands back to us.
In the past, we were shunned and our rule was rejected. Oh, father, son, and Holy spirit. Okay. Living without our protection and guidance has caused many worldwide to turn to us and to reject the rulers of darkness. That they had surrendered their lives and their lands too. And I just feel that Steve, what you've been doing and what your staff, what your, what your ministry has been doing is key to this.
You have raised up an army, a remnant. You brought to the forefront, the word of God, hope, the prophets, but also an understanding of what is going on, the truth. Of what's going on in the world. So you've got the Patriots and the prophets joining together, which is motivated and inspired you have trained and raised up an army to get to our posts.
Pray, seek God, who a lot of fasting is going on. And because of that, because there are people that are praying and rededicating their lives, God says, I'm putting my hand on you. Everything will be in place. So I wanted to say that because as I was going through my notes, I'm like, Oh, this is a result. What he showed me is a result of his hand coming back on the world.
So good. Wow. So encouraging. Very cool. I know that, you know, this word is very encouraging, but I also know there's going to be a bit of a shaking. He's told me that in the past. You said when this comes. No, this my children will be safe and they will not be harmed by what the shaking that's coming and oh, it will be very short.
It'll be short lived. Okay. So I, I know that that's that's in. He's told me. So, I mean, we've been, we've been through a pretty tough time for the last 3 or so years. But the Lord's saying there's still a shaking that's going to come that isn't maybe here at this moment quite I don't know. I don't want to put words in your mouth.
Yeah, I see it as a baby being birthed going through the birth canal and the mother is going through labor for this beautiful child to come forth. That's how I perceive this to be that there's going to be a change that's going to come about You And it's going to be tumultuous for a bit, but it's going to be short lived just like the labor is short lived for a baby to be born.
It'll be short lived, but there will be a bit of a shaking. I don't know, you know, let me ask you this way in case you have an impression even and maybe timing is always hard for profits and for everybody. We thought of course three years that when we wouldn't have that three years But now that's happened when you say short lived with God short lived It can mean months and months or right, but so I feel okay Just weeks or months Just not, not one.
Okay. I feel like we've been through a tough time. Whatever's going to come might be like dramatic, you know, closing down of things or what, I don't know, but it'll be short and it's necessary for what's going to come forth. Okay. Yeah. That's very encouraging because that's, even though that was a prophetic word about an intense time coming.
That was way more positive than negative because you said God's people are going to be protected and it's not going to last very long weeks We everyone can do weeks. We've just done years so we can do weeks. We can make it through it. Yeah, we can do it He's a write a song about this The secret is to keep our eyes fixed on him.
Yeah as we go through these things that come upon us You know, keep focused on him, not on the problems he brought me in the spirit. You're getting me going. Steve, this week, he brought me into with this beach. And as we were walking along, we came to this big black rock. And so we sat up on the rock and now the, now the tide started coming in and the water started rising up and I'm sitting on the rock and I'm like I think I'm going to get wet here.
I'm not liking this. I asked him, what am I going to do? What are we going to do if the tide rises above the top of the rock? He said, this rock represents faith. Faith, solid rock of Jesus Christ, faith in Jesus. He said, as your faith grows, this rock expands and it will rise above the rising tide of turmoil and problems.
He said, the thing important is for my children to cause their faith to grow. So, Oh, and I thought this is a heads up. Yeah, we all go through trials in our lives and faith is what gets us through them. And so God's saying, build your faith, meditate on my word. Just like I told Joshua meditate on my word day and night, and you will be successful in all you do.
And God's saying, get back to meditating on my word. Don't meditate on what the news media is saying, what the enemy's threatening to do. Meditate on what I'm saying, declare my word, speak my word, and as you do, this rock you're sitting on will expand and grow. I don't have the reference memorized, but there's a scripture that says he honors his word above his name.
I don't know if you know which, but, and I was pondering that this morning, not knowing you were going to say that. And I was pondering that I was saying, you don't understand, but you're paraphrasing the thoughts. I honor my word above my name, and that word is both the written word and the word that proceeds out of his mouth through the prophetic as well, that sort of thing.
Whatever he has spoken or written, he honors it above even his own name, and that's a huge thing. So when you say, meditate on his word, and that includes, so it's the written word, meditate even on prophetic words people have been given is probably a good idea too. He habit inhabits that inhabits that like he inhabits praise, you know, because he honors his word Above his name.
It's a it's a it's a very weird scripture who honors something That's written down more than they honor their own name But you know John chapter 1 in the beginning was the word And the word was with God. And the word was God. Oh, I don't think we grasp to the degree how powerful his word is. He says, when my word goes forth, whatever I speak will come to pass.
The very power to perform. What I'm saying is inherent in the words, and when I release my words, my words will not return void. It will perform what I say. Oh, when he said, let there be light, sun, moon stars all came to be so when we repeat his word, okay, we're, we are empowering the word of God. We're declaring it.
We're agreeing with it, we're aligning with it, and. God sends his angels, his angels perform his word. Good. So God said, build your faith and whatever trials come in your lives, personally or nationally, you will rise above them. You'll be sitting on that solid rock and the tide will not come up higher than that.
Okay, yeah
Alright So now when you remember to tell me where you are on the list so I can kill him I'm gonna be starting right with with one with okay. All right. What happened this particular day? I had a lot of company a lot of people in and out of the house and whatnot and I was going to go to Pray and what's it before you pray before you meet with me?
I want you to go through the house and clean the house out. He meant spiritually You Okay. And he's taught me this in the past, but he was reminding me. So I went through the house. I found any demons because people can have spirits on them and they come in the house and the spirits stay and they leave, you know, that's very instructive.
A lot of people didn't know that. That are watching it. Oh, really? Because I cleaned it out this morning. And say, well, didn't you have some guests? You know, they weren't so clean. I mean, I suppose if a postman shows up at the door, it could, something could get in. Yeah, but I think it's more people coming in.
You know, in the house, what not. And so, And we can get them. He's, you know, through electronics, like television computers, you know, just things happen. So I did that. I went through all the house and I, I just as an instructive, I bound the demons. Oh, I said, in the name of Jesus, I bind everyone of your demons.
If he said, show me any that were there and say their names and I command you to go, I send you to the abyss. I put you in chains in the abyss. You can't come back. Okay. Nor can you send any other demon spirits like you back to attack also to come in the house. So I went through the whole house, room to room, found any demons, kicked them out.
Then I got my anointing oil and put it over the door posts, the door sill, and just consecrated the house. I said, I dedicate this house belongs to Jesus Christ. So now I go to my prayer time. I'm, I'm, and instantly, oh, the Lord was before me. And he said, don't be afraid that you're not going to hear from me.
He said what's happened is that some spirits had gotten in the house, you know, I could see Jesus sitting in front of me here in this black kind of feeling like some sort of deficit and you it left you feeling like me. I'm not maybe I'm not going to hear from the Lord right now or today prior to my doing the drive to that.
Right? A lot of distractions getting in my prayer time mode, trying to hear God, trying to focus distractions. And I think all of us deal with this. What we needed to hear is that you go through that because we see your life. And now we can say, if Donna goes through that, we all then don't feel so guilty that we have to, we have moments where we just go, man, I heard him good yesterday, but I don't know where he is today, right?
And, and home. And so after doing that, consecrating the house back to Jesus immediately, and he said, come on, open your spiritual eyes. I'm going to show you something in instantly. I was in the spirit and I was in heaven. Oh, yeah. So I'm just kind of given a little bit direction. So people that want to have encounters.
Sometimes you're going to take that step to get rid of some of the distracting spirits that get in the house. Okay, fear, worry, different things like that. All right. It doesn't have to be a real like witchcraft or something. It can be these little minions, but anyway, so now I, I'm in the spirit and I'm sitting on this garden swing in the garden of glory.
Oh, you know, I do so long with me. And animals stop gathering around us. So the father, I'm sitting between the father and Jesus. Oh, and a giraffe comes over and he licks my face. Big gorilla. The gorilla that I saw before was pushing the swing one day when I was in heaven with the father in Jesus. And I'm thinking, boy, this swing is really going good.
Some angel must be pushing it. And I turn around and look at it's a gorilla. That's funny. I love it. These are God's pets. So, and then a big elephant, which I've written on before in the spirit and then cat little kittens and dogs and whatnot. So they're all gathered around. And they're just so happy and I could feel that they were happy that I had the faith to open my spiritual eyes and to go into the spirit.
They were happy that I was there visiting with the father and Jesus. And that faith was alive. And so now the giraffe bends down and says, you know, just, I, he didn't speak, but I knew what he was saying. I knew his thoughts. He just was like to climb on. So Jesus and I climbed on the back of this giraffe.
Oh, wow. You both climbed on very cool. So Jesus is behind me and I'm in front and then the giraffe starts walking and brings us over to this hillside and there was a whole bunch of animals and it went down into a Valley. There was so many animals. I was like, oh my goodness. It was. Thousands and thousands and thousands and and Jesus said to me, you know, my kingdom is enormous.
You think that earth is big. It's a shadow of what my kingdom in heaven is like, because I was shocked. There was so many animals. I was like, Oh, my goodness. Every animal that ever lived and died was there. Well, yeah, I was going to say if they go to heaven. Which the probably most do, you know, that it's continually being multiplied all the time.
I'm telling you, Steve, as far as I could see was animals, every kind, every kind of animal that you could imagine was all mixed together. They weren't like in separate groups, you know, they were all, all mixed together. And so now I'm going to go to my notes so I don't miss anything. Whew. Wow. Oh. So, who let me see.
And so as, as we, as I was watching the animals, what I was noticing was that how much love was coming off these animals and that as Jesus and I stood there in front of the animals, they all stood like in attention, but not like an army standing rigidly in attention, but standing like giving devoted admiration.
Okay. But they all stood, the whole crowd of them. All stood still. Jesus is there. Like all heaven just is an or of Jesus. They were just so in love with him. Oh, and I could feel the love pouring off the animals. And so this is what Jesus said. This is what we want. Love for us to be so strong on the earth that it spills out on everyone else.
It's like the love for the animals was so great for Jesus that it was spilling out on all. So they were loving one another. They were loving Jesus. And what I saw was Some of the bigger animals like the elephant would pick up a little animal, put it on his back. Little kittens were on lions and tiger's heads.
They didn't care. They were like one big, happy family. They all loved each other. And so he said that this is, he said, that is what will happen when Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh. Love for us will abound. Love for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will abound and fill the earth. This love will chase all evil away.
Oh, and then Jesus went on to say, let this love that abides here in heaven, fill the earth and change the hearts of mankind to be like ours hearts that are genuinely care about one another and love deeply with no reservation. hearts that get wholeheartedly and freely. And what it felt like was, was I was watching all these animals that they were like one big happy family who they really enjoyed one another's company.
They loved each other. They weren't just tolerating each other. They genuinely loved one another and they liked each other. And then Jesus explained, we want our children on earth. To enjoy one another's company. He wants us to enjoy one another's company. Like all in heaven do. Joy fills heaven because love is not restricted or limited here.
Oh, then he said something that really surprised me. None are perfect. Like we are, but all are loved and accepted here like we are now. I thought, you know, that once we get everyone gets to heaven, they're all perfect. Yeah, that's a curious thing that you're saying. The Lord said they're not all perfect.
What does that mean? He said, none of them are perfect. The only one who's perfect is God. Interesting. I know. I was like, what, you know, you think some might be a little bit brash. Some might be, you know, you know, you know, nobody's perfect. Well, you know, you know what you just said, but they're not perfect.
It makes me think of what Kat shared one time that. God would often pair two angels together and they have personalities that kind of work on each other and they, they smooth out the rough patches. The one that's too serious is, is got a bunch of that rubbed off by the clown angel that God assigns next to him and vice versa.
That would be an example of not everyone's perfect. Right. Right. Interesting. No one's perfect in heaven. Like, I'm like, what? I thought we all were. Interesting. That's interesting. No wonder they can have comedians in heaven then. Yeah. Because I think, well, what are you going to make jokes about? Nobody's sinful, but you know, we, we, we would be just like, It might be boring.
That's pretty. That's pretty good. I'm going to repeat that again. He said, none are perfect like we are, but all are loved and accepted here like we are. So he said, everyone is accepted and loved. Just like we are here in heaven, the way I saw the animals loving Jesus, they were loving one another to that love for Jesus spilled out on one another.
And he said, that's what I want to come to the earth. I want the love for me to be so great. The love for father, me and Holy Spirit so great that it spills out on one another, all over the world. And he said, that's, what's going to happen when I pour my spirit out on all flesh. Oh, All right. Oh, boy.
That's good. All right. Then he said, all this will happen when the Holy Spirit loves the earth with his presence. His love and all his love contains unity. You started listing a bunch of things that his love contains. Peace, kindness, gentleness, selflessness, strength. All right. Godly character. So now then we left the top of the hill.
The giraffe and Jesus and me riding down and went down into the valley where all the crowd of animals were so they separated. They made a pathway. It kind of reminded me of the Red Sea party, you know, so the parted they let they let the animals go. Jesus walked through, okay, riding on the giraffe with me.
And I could hear the animals cheering, you know, it was like a crowd of people, but it wasn't, it was animals, I could hear the cheers and the admiration. They just love Jesus so much. And so then Jesus started talking to me about Donald Trump. No, that's fascinating. I saw that in your notes. I thought. I thought I saw that it was there, but I didn't read every detail because I want to hear you tell it as opposed to just reading the words.
So yeah. Okay. Wow. Yeah. He said, Oh, just talking about this. All the glory is all back on me. Oh, he said, Oh, what you are seeing today is a picture of the honor and admiration. We want to fall on our ambassadors. Those who walk with us. And represent us well on the earth and who live their lives to serve us and ours because they love us are worthy of honor, who it is.
Whenever I say our, us, he always talks to me about father, son, Holy spirit. Our will that those who love and serve us. And serve mankind because they love us are given honor. This honor is not worship, but an expression of heartfelt gratitude. So we say, when you see someone honored, it's not worship. It's an expression of heartfelt gratitude for the sacrifice they're laying down and for the good that they're doing.
That's a really good word that answers a question that you didn't have, but other people on the earth said, well, God, God didn't give the election to Trump because everyone's worshiping him. That's what, that was the word. And I never, that, that didn't, it never bore witness to me where, you know, honor is not worship.
And he spoke about, he said it right out. He said, when you see someone like Donald Trump. And his family being honored. We are not offended. Oh, but instead we rejoice because honor is being given to those who are worthy of honor. So good. Oh, so God is not offended that we get behind Donald Trump. We pray for him for hours Friday night.
Well, now it's Sunday nights at the VFW. God's pleased with that. He's called that man to do a big work. And he's under such an attack that he needs people like Aaron and her holding up Moses arms that will hold up Donald Trump and his family and his supporters arms, hold them up and pray for them diligently.
That's not worship. That's giving honor where honor is due. He said to love and honor them. Is seen as an act of love and honor of us because whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, you do to me. Oh, so God sees it when we love one another, we honor somebody that we're honoring him. When we dishonor someone, we're mean to someone, whatever, whatever you're doing to them, you're doing it to Jesus.
When I was hungry, you fed me. When I was naked, you closed me up when I was in prison. You visited me. Well, when did we do that to you? Whatever you did to the least of my brothers, you did it to me. Oh, he God's word is true. Yeah, to praise and acclaim those. who have been wholeheartedly, who have wholeheartedly and sacrificially served mankind is justice being expressed.
So, so I'm going to say that again, to praise and acclaim those who have wholeheartedly and sacrificially served mankind is justice. being expressed, God saying that's justice. That isn't worship. So that's, so when you say to praise in that context, you're saying like if someone's praising Donald Trump, they're you.
They're giving, they're praising what who he is and what he is doing. They're not worshiping him. They're praising him for what he's done. That's a different thing. Pray, worship belongs to God. Right? Only. Right. But we don't. He wants people honored and honored. Part of honors is saying, thank you. A hearty public thank you is praising them for their good and acknowledging the good that they've done.
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he's, then he said this. So the day is coming when those like Donald Trump, who have sacrificed so much for the good of others. Will be publicly honored. He said, that thing is coming. Scorn has attempted when he said, scorn is attempted to mock and disdain them. I knew it was like a spirit of scorn released.
Okay. Scorn has attempted to mock and disdain them. But I am putting an end to his scheme, to this scheme of the enemy to belittle them. So I knew it was Donald Trump, but I also knew it was so many of the people that have been terribly persecuted, terribly. And they've lost so much of, of like Roger Stone, they've been so persecuted.
It was so much of their wealth and reputations. He met all of them. He said the day is coming where honor is going to be given to them. Okay. They will be exalted and honored because I have declared it to be so. I've spoken it. I've said it. I want honor given to whom honor is due. Those that have been dishonored that didn't deserve it.
Oh, I want them honored. I've spoken it. My word's gone forth. Oh, and it will be performed. It will not be stopped. Really good. Wow. He says, justice demands it. Oh, my children have cried out for justice and I have heard them. Not only will the wicked be judged as we're crying out for justice, but the righteous will be rewarded and given their just desert.
Oh, honor will be given to the honorable. Oh, then the Lord brought me to the book of Joel and he, as a confirmation. One thing he said to me, one confirm confirming scripture was, this is my message to you and to everyone else. I opened up my Bible. I'm like, this is my message to you and to everyone else.
And then he brought me to the book of Joel and I'm not going to go through it all. Basically, the book of Joel starts with an army has invaded the land, you know, and he said, demons have invaded your land. The whole book of Joel is like where we're at now is a prophetic picture of the hour we're living in now.
Okay. So demons have invaded the land. We've let them in. Sexual perversion, huh? Lawlessness, corruption, wicked. He said, but now as you go through the book of Joel talks about that, then it talks about many praying and fasting. They're called to pray and fast. Many are praying and fasting and repenting for their sins and the sins of the nation.
And then the next chapter, the Holy Spirit is poured. He declares the Holy Spirit will be poured out on all flesh. And at the end of the book, a book, small little book, the wicked will reap the judgment of God. So it's like boom, boom, boom, boom, four points. The wicked have invaded our land. People are praying and fasting.
The remnant have been praying and fasting, standing in the gap for the nations, not just our nation, for the nations of the world, repenting, praying. All right. So the demons have invaded the land. People are praying and fasting. God says, I'm pouring my spirit out on all flesh. And the wicked will reap the judgment of God.
That's that's the outline of the, of that chapter of that book. Okay. This is a picture of where you are right now. Oh, be encouraged because you're on the right side. Very much. So, Oh, and now I'm going to go to 0. 2. Oh, and he began to speak to me about leaders being removed and replaced. He said, there will be many who will be removed from seats of honor and privilege and from seats of authority that they have abused.
Are we talking about the church? Are we talking about politics? Politically? I felt it was all seven mountains. All seven mountains. Okay. Wow. All seven mountains and the church is one of them. Okay, they will never be returned back to those places, but their seats will be given to those who are humble and who won't abuse the authority that is given to them.
That was surprised me. It was that no matter what they do, they will never get those seats back. Oh, wow. So it's like a permanent. I mean, are you saying that Lord saying even if they utterly repent, they'll never be given that place again because they abused it. Wow. That's kind of hardcore. But from the Lord, it's fair.
It's it's a fair responsibility. Yeah, leaders to care for his people. Whether it's a judge, huh? Political figure, minister, whatever. He's given them a responsibility. They've abused that authority. They've mistreated the people. And God says, if they repent, I'll forgive them. But they will not get those seats back.
They were given a responsibility. They're charged. That's justice. Yeah. You know, there's a lot of people waiting to move up. Or that, I guess we could say that God is waiting to move up. Yeah, really good that he went on to say that love for us and for our people in a great love for their nations will motivate these new leaders instead of the pride greed and selfish ambition that motivated a former leaders before they were removed and replaced.
So God said these new leaders are going to have love for me love for us love for the nations. Love for the people, they will not be motivated by greed, selfish ambition, the things that we've seen. So these new leaders will be good. Oh, I'm going to just share one thing that he had spoken to me. 20, I think it was in 2016.
It was soon after Donald Trump or when he, I think it was when he was running for office and he showed me why he picked him. How many people the first time you ran for office were running with him? And they were like 16 people, 16 other people or something like that. And, and and I was like, you're picking Donald Trump.
He told me that he was the one I was like, really? Cause you know, he was a little brash. Yeah, he was. Some of the other ones were more like, no, it was a little brash, but he had a couple of Things that went public and things that he had done that were inappropriate, you know, sexually inappropriate, either with his some action or his words, whatever.
And, but you're saying God knowing all that still picked him and he's going to tell you why, why he told me why he showed me in that. This reminded me of that. Oh, he picked Peter to run the church. Peter had denied him. Peter wasn't perfect. John didn't, didn't deny Jesus. Jesus said to Peter, Peter, do you love me more than these?
Lord, you know that I do. And he made him repeat it three times. And he showed me with Donald Trump, Donald Trump loved this nation more than anybody else running for office. That's why he chose him because of his great love for this nation. Not his great love for God. He wouldn't say it was for him, but it was for the nation.
And now we've looked all through these years, only such a love for this nation would have motivated a man to stand fast and be persecuted continually. Oh, false accusation after false accusation. What he's gone through, what his family has gone through. It's because of that great love for this nation and the people.
The nation is the people you see it. Sometimes he's got the flag of the United States and he's hugging it. He genuinely loves this nation and it's a sovereign thing. God's given him that gift because he loved this nation to that degree, he was picked. Of all the other people that God could have picked to and you know, God, you know, he had loved this nation, but he could have squandered that love.
He could have said now that I've got power more than I ever had is just not. No, it doesn't just have. Well, he has power. I'm ending power almost as a president. He could have squandered that love for this nation, but he didn't. No, and because he loved the nation so much, love motivates him to do the right thing for the people.
When you love someone that much, you are not going to deliberately do anything to hurt them. You're not going to issue laws that are going to hurt the people. You're not going to tax them. He lowered the taxes. He lowered the cost, all the things that were costing us so much. He built the border wall to protect us from anybody invading from terrorists.
Why? Cause he loves us. He loves the nation with the love that God has put in him. And God says, that's the type of people, not just Donald Trump. I know it's him. He's going to be put back in, but others will too. God's saying I'm removing wicked leaders in all seven mountains and replacing them with godly leaders that have a heart of love for me, love for the people, love for the nation, and that will motivate them to do the right thing.
Okay. Yeah, real good. This is coming because. His hands back on the world. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Then he, then he said, once a person getting back to that about that, he would never put them back in those positions again. Once they're removed, once a person has proven, they cannot be trusted that it is wise to keep them at arm's length or to have no contact at all with them.
Whoa. Yeah. He said true repentance with a transform line. is the only exception. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Hear what people say, but watch very closely if their actions align with a contrite heart. Forgiveness must be granted immediately, but access denied unless there is a total true repentance.
Okay, so he's, he's given a little bit of instruction to us. That we all deal with people being unjust to us and mistreating us and whatnot. And God is saying, when someone mistreats you, forgive them right away. But by forgiveness doesn't mean you've got to embrace them back in close to you. But even if they come and say, I'm sorry, but they don't act like they're sorry.
They're still doing the same old things. Keep them in onslaught, or just don't even have any contact with. Some people are just dangerous to have close. So God wants us to have wisdom. Okay? Yeah. Alright. Yeah. He said, I'm giving you a lesson that will grant you great wisdom and help you un avoid unnecessary heartache.
And then he brought me to Acts chapter nine, where the account of Paul's conversion and Peter disciples wanted nothing to do with Paul because. He persecuted them. He was so bad, but there was such a radical change in Paul. He was even given eventually the funds to take them with Barnabas to the, to Jerusalem.
He was trusted. He, he laid his life down. So, you know, there was that a hundred percent repentance. They forgave him and restoration. But it was, you could see by Paul's life that he changed, he didn't go back and start, keep persecuting the Christians. Okay. Yeah, to me as a little example in scripture, how this applied and until the apostles saw the change in Paul, they kept them in arms length.
Okay, he said, I am the God who brings down some and raises up others. I know what lies in the hearts of men. I see the truth, no matter what is said or presented as the truth. I know, and I'm never deceived or tricked. Follow my lead and I will always lead you away from those who would harm you. And I'll bring you alongside those who are a strong support.
So he's saying, let me lead you and guide you. And I will keep people away from you that will have, will harm you. He wants us safe. God wants us safe. He wants us protected in our personal lives, but over our nations, he's hot. God. I'm telling you, I know this is, that's like this haddock.
Hey, now try to put it into words. How do you feel that or know that because I believe you I believe you discern that God's had it, but Talk about that for a minute Spirit and sometimes I actually see him doing this. Oh you do. Oh, yeah done had it. Oh Yep, God's had it. He's given people Opportunity after opportunity after opportunity to repent.
He's worn them over and over and over from the president on down judges. He's worn them. Oh, they refuse to repent done because of his love and his mercy and his grace towards his people. Yeah, he doesn't want to see his innocent people hurt like this. Well, that wouldn't be justice with God to do that. So he's given them plenty of time.
Now we're entering into the time. We're going to see judgment. I'm going to run sort of keep this general because everyone's got situations in their lives, but. The Lord has continued to remind me about this is even recently where he said he tells the story about the vineyard workers and all of that.
But then there were people that said that the master of the vineyard was delaying his coming. Everything was going to remain as it was. He delayed his coming. So they began to beat the people. And this is what I think God's saying in the church level now, that there are people who he's put in charge across all kinds of things.
Some of them have said, we've gotten away with stuff. God's not returning. Everything's bad. So they went back to beating the people up. Even in their teaching, and even in their day to day, and they're always offending someone, they're beating up the, you know, God's people. You know, there's a, then, then there's a, a, a pronouncement that God was gonna be done with that.
This is what I thought of when you did this. That's why I told you all seven mountains. It's not just in the political realm in the government. It's in the church too. And I think that to whom much is given much is required. Yeah, because as ministers who we've been given a lot. Yeah, a lot of a lot of teaching a lot of encounters with the Lord, a lot of grace.
And God's given us so much, but he expects us in return to give back to the people. The truthfulness integrity, huh? Yeah. People to give, give, give to us. And we don't do anything in return with that other example where the one was forgiven. Someone was forgiven this massive thing, and he was grateful. But then, but then he turned against another fellow worker who owed him a little bit, and he began to just defile and beat him and whatever, and refused to show him, because the anger of the Lord burned so heavily about that, that he said, Take him, take what, you know, everything he has, and basically it says he, he, he returned, he basically said he'll throw him into prison, he'd already been forgiven, and then when he did that, God said, throw him in until he paid every last cent, he put the debt, The, the forgiven debt back on him.
There are people in the Church of the Lord who, who have been forgiven, and then they refuse to forgive their fellow brothers. God will have enough of that, and he'll put that forgiveness He'll take that forgiveness away. He said he would, you know, so it's a huge thing. I think about that quite a bit. He said, no matter what happens, no matter if the person meant it or didn't mean it, when they said they were sorry, they continue to mistreat you forgive immediately, but you don't need to reconnect close.
Yeah, that's right. But your heart, it's our heart. Unforgiveness is a big wide open door for the enemy to come into our lives. What? To rob, to steal, to kill, to destroy, to take from us, to destroy us. So God, for our protection, he wants us to have a forgiving God. Yeah, I mean, it's like Jesus. Yeah, so his forgiveness is normally absolute 100 percent when he forgives, it's forgiven unless you turn around and refuse to forgive someone repeatedly after God forgive you, he'll put it right back on you.
Yes. That's, I just want to hear a few, you know, I don't like preaching negative sermons, but some people need to be warned what they're in for, especially the day and the hour where we're living it. We have seen so much injustice, so much wickedness. That that's a big challenge. We all have to keep our hearts pure to forgive these people that are mistreating Donald Trump, Roger Stone, you know, you can get really ripping mad.
No, I forgive them. I pray for them. I pray for their souls. I pray they repent. I asked for justice. If they need to be in prison, let them repent. That this is how we pray, because we got to guard ourselves in this hour. I think that's why God's impressing you with this deep. We need to guard ourselves when we're seeing so much wickedness and injustice.
So many people hurt little children, the things that are going on. We need to pray for the perpetrators. God, bring them to repentance. Don't let hatred enter into us. Yeah, because we will be forgiven as we forgive others.
All right, I think, Whoa, I'm going to skip down to number four who the Lord had been telling me that he gives prophets a lot of times warnings to give to the people. It's not to scare them, but to prepare them to be forewarned just to be far on. And so this is one day where he brought me in the spirit again.
And I looked out on this mountain where he and I sit sometimes and look down over the world. And I saw all these fires all lit immediately, all at once, all over the world. Ooh. And he said to me, when I saw this, these explosions of fires, he said, this is the plan of the enemy to set off catastrophic terror events simultaneously.
All at once, you know, and just recently now I got this word February 9th and a couple of weeks later, which was I think last week when all the cell phones. Went down. Yeah, yeah, TNT and other other service too. And so I'm watching the news and I see the map of the United States. I see red spots on all the places where this happened.
And I'm like, that's what I saw in the spirit. Oh, that. But I believe because as I continue with this word, we pray, we've been praying and praying, you know, was inconvenient, but not a big deal. Yeah, that's right. All right. So this is what he said. This is the plan of the enemy. This was February 9th. He said this to set off catastrophic terror events simultaneously, but they can be thwarted and even reversed.
You see, it is our plan to have simultaneous attacks. Revival events set off worldwide. So the fire of revival breaking out all over is what God is planning. The enemy comes in with his counterfeit. But so he said, as my children pray, declare and decree my word. My will shall be done. So as we pray and to clear God's word, what he's saying, his will shall be done and the enemy's plans stopped.
Pray that he is stopped and that his comrades are caught and prosecuted and that no one escapes justice. God wants justice. He wants people prosecuted for these terror events, but we also pray for their souls. That they will repent and be saved. That God's children, that they won't spend eternity in hell.
Okay. He said, as terrorists invade your land, they are also invading other nations with the same intent. Worldwide destruction, he said. I'm telling you this so that you can stop it and not to cause fear. Let faith arise for to be forewarned is to be for armed, pray, praise, worship, dance and celebrate for the victory will be yours.
Oh, I delivered this word at church. And we did, we praised, we worship, we prayed, we declared, we decreed that these terrorist attacks are not going to take place, that the revival fires will, but the enemy's plan won't. Oh, the God's will will be done. Okay. And this is what God wants us to do. He's saying, I'm giving you a heads up.
This is what the enemy's planning on doing. Stop it. That's good. That's good. He said many of his schemes have been thwarted in years past. By the diligent prayers of a few, apply the full victory of my son, his blood, and declare his words and you will be unstoppable. And the Lord brought me to 2 Chronicles chapter 20, which people can read that.
It's the story of Jehoshaphat. And these three nations, armies were, had rose up and were going to come and attack them. Israel, Judah. And so Jehoshaphat prayed, he got all the people to pray, and he put the worshipers at the head of the army. So now the worshipers are leading the army. They get to the top of the hill, looking down into the valley where these armies were coming against them.
And the three armies, God had sent confusion into the camp. They had destroyed one another. They didn't have to lift up one ball, one, they didn't have to do anything. The battle. God took care of the whole battle stopped what the enemy was doing. And for three days, Jeh had, in his old army, there was so much plunder, it took him three days to gather all the plunder.
So they, they made out awesome. And God was showing me. See the enemy was planning on killing them. Destroying them, but it didn't work. 'cause they worshiped, they praised, they prayed, they depended on me and I took care of it. Oh, that's good news. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Now I've got another word that he spoke to me about Donald Trump again, too.
This was on January 31st. We're in 0. 5. He said, daughter, the exposures are going to greatly increase both the good and the evil will be unveiled for all to see. Yes, the good that has been done behind the scenes will be revealed so that appreciation and honor will be given to those it is due at the same time.
The deeds of the wicked and those who serve evil shall be brought into the light. But everyone to see, oh, it's harvest time. The seeds that were sown in seasons past. Okay. When, you know, it's in, you know, in the spring, you plant your seeds, your garden, you know, this is dirt. I don't see anything. Well, harvest time, the plants grow.
You see everything, every seed you planted. Is bringing forth this crop. He said, this is the time you're in now, things that were done in secret and hiding both good and evil, they're going to be it's harvest time. They're going to bring forth that crop and everyone's going to see what you did. Okay. He said, no longer.
Will there just be suspicions of what people surmise is going on, but absolute positive proof shall be given. Oh so you know how we think. I think this one's doing this. I think that one's doing that. He said, no longer will we be just suspicious, but there's gonna be absolute positive proof given. So we know for a fact what's happened.
Not only will these exposures dramatically increase. But punishment and justice will follow suit. None will escape judgment or rewards as well. Yes, the righteous will be rewarded and promoted like Donald Trump will be, and the wicked will be punished. So he said the righteous are going to be rewarded and promoted.
And then he said, like Donald Trump will be like, that's so cool. He said, great exposures are coming because I have declared that the truth must be made manifest for all to see. God said, I said it, the truth has to come forth. Now it has to happen because I said it, I spoke it. Okay. This is, he said, this is going to occur nationally and individually in individuals lives.
All right. Great justice is coming as the truth is revealed. He said, truth tellers will arise and will not be shunned or silenced, but their voices will be like the voice of a mighty herald. As Paul Revere rode and shouted through the streets his warning, I am anointing many to go through the land shouting the truth so none will be deceived.
And destroyed by the trickery of the wicked. So he did it before he had a problem. Yeah, the British are coming going through the streets. He said, I don't know if you heard him on Monday, but he, his word that he wrote, he wrote it out in kind of poetic form or prose or whatever, but he read it. And basically that it was about, you know, you're not going to get away with anything.
Time's up, you know, It's, it's over. It's too late. It's like, you didn't know what you were going to say and you didn't know what he was going to say, but it's the same thing. It's the same message, basically, different words. So good. And then he said, the truth will be told about Donald Trump, his family. And I knew he meant the good things they've done.
Yeah. That the truth is going to be told about him and his family. Okay. Joe Biden, his family. Gates, Fauci, Oprah Winfrey, and many more. He said they are far too numerous to name them all. So he says the truth is going to come out about all of them. He said many believed that the good were evil and that those who practiced evil were good to their detriment.
Now the truth will go forth throughout the land like a mighty shout. The truth will be revealed and not silenced. Ears and eyes will be opened. Hearts and minds will be transformed in an instant. The truth does that. When you hear the truth, I don't know if that's ever happened to you in your life, where you kind of believe something was a certain way, and then all of a sudden you found out the truth and that what you believed was wrong.
Even in church, in the realm of church, it's happened to me. You're like, wow, immediately. There's a transformation in the way you're thinking. And I, I've seen that people, God's preparing people like you and me and everyone else on the average person. He's preparing their hearts to finally believe what they would never have believed a short time ago.
He's preparing them to. So we had some major ministers fall. Recently, there was a time when nobody would have ever, ever, ever believed it except a few accusers. That time is gone. Now, when God is exposing it, people on the regular person to person level, like you and me, we're going to go, well I didn't know, I never would have believed it a couple weeks ago, but I believe it 100 percent today.
That quick, and maybe not quite that quick. A couple months later, you go, I didn't believe it, now I believe it. It used to be that the persons that were doing sin had so many levels of protection that they could keep the masses from believing in their sin. Not anymore. No, no, no. And we need that. Yeah, we do.
You need it. We, we, we're, we're desperate for the truth. We're in bondage when we don't have the truth. The truth sets us free. But we've been lied to by the media. We've been lied to by politicians. We've been lied to in all the seven mountains. It's got to change. The truth is going to come forth, whether we like it or not.
Oh, and it's going to change us. And I think that it's at times it's earth shattering. So behind what we believed was true was real, you know, like I heard your show today that you spoke about abortion and what you had felt when you saw what the embryo looked like, whoa, that was earth shattering for you.
Changed completely what you thought instantly. Yeah. Instantly I changed it to a pro-life person from, I was an absolute pro-choice guy, and in a, in, in a heartbeat, almost a literal thing. Yeah. All of a sudden I'm pro-life. You can never take that back for me. Now once it, once you are, yeah. So what that's to me is an example of what's gonna be happening to a lot of people who were deceived and believe wrong.
They believe the lies that they thought they were the truth and God's, they're his children. God's merciful and gracious. So he's bringing the truth forward. So people are not deceived and tricked and led away, you know, into sinful activities. Even it's going to happen. It's a good, good hour. We're living in.
Yeah, I'm going to go to 0. 6. Do we have time? Yeah, go for it. Okay. Oh in this one, the Lord said to me, Oh, fire will fall from heaven soon. Oh, so I'm thinking soon as soon Steve. Yeah. Okay. You mean really soon? Really soon. Okay. Church. I know I'm a forerunner. And the glory is so intensified in the fires on us that I know, you know, I'm just stepping in into something that everyone else is going to be coming into.
Okay. And I don't go into it like years ahead. I'm just a few steps ahead of when I'm as a floor runner. Okay. So I know soon as soon. Okay. I will fall from heaven soon and our children will be set ablaze with a great love for us. This fire will eradicate a spirit of lukewarmness that is afflicting our people.
It's been really lukewarmness. It's been on the church. Yeah, there's some remnant that's on fire. But he's talking about everybody. Okay. This on fire army will go through the land and take down giants for us. Our children who have been oppressed by the enemy will be set free as these on fire ones release our glory and speak our words to them.
So is, is the, as the army releases the glory and releases the truth, the word of God, that people are no longer going to be lukewarm. The fire of God's going to fall on them and they're going to be changed. Oh, prayers. They pray will immediately be heard and answered. Many miracles will happen quickly and suddenly.
Great days are coming. So God's saying great days are coming. Be encouraged. I'm going to pour my spirit out, my glory out, my fire out, and it's going to change everybody because like what I saw in heaven, all the animals so full of love for God and love for one another. That's what's going to come on the earth.
It's in the last days, I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh. Huh? Huh? Oh, that's what's coming. Enemy has run rampant for far too long. His days of oppressing my children are drawing to a close. Thank you. God, they will chase him and his horde of demons from their land. And he was saying their lives to individually, but from their land and they will celebrate their victory with great rejoicing in the streets.
The army
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