Dr. Peter McCullough: Virtually All COVID-19 Deaths Occurred In Hospitals! Why?!

11 months ago

Dr. McCullough is gob-smacked about the way hospitals maltreated patients. No early treatments were allowed because vaccines and remdeathisvir could not be rolled out under te EUA if any other treatments were available. Therefore, Fauci and company made sure no other treatements could be tried. Dr. McCullough still doesn't get that it was a Plandemic, that COVID is a construct in Fauci's diseased mind, and the whole thing is about control and depopulation.
Thanks to Understanding The Lies Channel https://www.bitchute.com/video/TSZ1lKopflUL/
Watch the complete, unedited meeting here:
Arizona Senate Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee Meeting (March 15, 2024)

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: turtles_turtles - https://www.bitchute.com/video/toRwStY5RWrQ/

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