Biden's UNJUSTICE Department jails Peter Navarro.

6 months ago

NEW: Biden's Justice Department shatters historical precedent imprisoning Trump Trade Advisor Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress, destroying a 250-year tradition of honoring executive privilege.

Obama's DOJ didn't prosecute Eric Holder and Lois Lerner following contempt referrals after they invoked executive privilege.

Bush's DOJ didn't prosecute Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers following contempt referrals after they invoked executive privilege.

The Justice Department hasn't prosecuted executive officials who were instructed by the president to invoke executive privilege until now.

The last time anyone was sentenced for contempt of Congress was in 1948.

Navarro, a Harvard-educated economist known for his efforts to restore American manufacturing, will serve four months in prison.

He will turn 75 in July behind bars as a martyr of the regime.

NAVARRO: "When I walk into that prison today, the justice system will have done a crippling blow to the constitution's separation of judicial powers and executive privilege."


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