"Dad Scared Of VR"

7 years ago

"Dads are the funniest members of every family. Just take a look at this video and see for yourself. This dad has the first encounter with the VR headset. He is so overwhelmed with the content he sees in front of his eyes, he screams like a little girl! Hilarious!nVirtual reality (often just called VR) is the name for computer technology that makes a person feel like they are somewhere else. In case of the Dad from our video, it’s somewhere scary and dangerous. VR uses software to produce images, sounds, and other sensations to create a different place so that a user feels like he or she is really a part of this other place. Although the virtual reality is mostly used for gaming, it is also becoming popular for other purposes such as allowing a person to feel as if they are in a virtual reality documentary. Virtual reality has been added to some theme park roller coasters since 2015. We can’t imagine how the dad from our video would handle that! He is super hilarious!"

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