Adrenaline Seeker Throws Himself Off 400ft Cliff With His Dog

6 years ago

People who have a compulsive desire for excitement and adventure are often called adrenaline seekers. They favor dangerous activities for the adrenaline rush that accompanied them. However, what you’re about to see is not a typical adrenaline junkie. The man in this video throws himself off a 400ft cliff but he is not alone! His adrenaline partner is no other but his rescued dog! Incredible!

Meet the daredevil dog which loves jumping off CLIFFS with his adrenaline-junkie owner. Chase Reinford, 24, goes sailing, dirt-biking and pilots planes with his puppy Paco, as well as base-jumping with him from 400ft.

The thrill-seeker rescued Paco after nearly running him over on a remote desert road, where he is believed to have been dumped. He said: "I saw Paco standing in the middle of the road and slammed on my brakes. I thought I was going to hit him, it was 60mph on the highway. I ended up stopping a couple of feet in front of him and could see he was freaked out so I got out, squatted and put my arm out" He planned to take Paco to an animal shelter, but they developed an instant bond, so Chase couldn’t bear to leave him.

Chase said that he would never let anything bad to happen to Paco and that he always tries to ‘minimize’ the risk of their pleasure trips. The famous pair has done three base jumps and the highest from 400 feet above the ground.

Enjoy this amazing footage of this fantastic human-dog duo throwing off of a 400ft cliff.

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