Greek cuisine. Beans with tomato paste!!!

10 months ago

Hello my friends and welcome to another video Today I will show you how to make a delicious and healthy refried bean salad with few ingredients easily and quickly. Roasted beans is a traditional dish of Greek cuisine that is perfect for cold winter days. Follow my steps and enjoy a warm and full of flavor soup. Let's get started!!!
Since yesterday, we have been soaking our beans together with a teaspoon of salt. And it's time to strain it by pouring plenty of water to remove the salt. In the meantime we have prepared our ingredients which are two chopped onions, two cloves of garlic, two carrots, a tablespoon of tomato paste, and a cube of vegetables.
We will put our pot on high heat and add oil to saute our onions and carrots for five minutes. Then we will put the beans and add water.

Then we will add a tablespoon of tomato paste, and the cube of vegetables. When our food starts to boil, we will lower the heat and leave it for 45 minutes. If our beans have not boiled, we will add water and let them boil for another 15 minutes. Our bean salad is ready, we will salt and add water if we want it juicier, we add olive oil to our dish, and if we want, we accompany our dish with olives. Bon appetit!!!

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