Indus valley civilization V/s Vedic civilization: which one is older?

6 months ago

Indus Valley Civilization & Hinduism: Threads Through Time

The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization (3300-1300 BCE), flourished along the Indus River in what is now Pakistan and northwest India. While Hinduism is a well-established religion with a long history, the connection between these two is a topic of ongoing exploration and debate.
**Possible Links:**
* Chronology: The Indus Valley Civilization predates the commonly accepted origins of Hinduism (1500-500 BCE) by thousands of years. This raises the question of whether Indus Valley beliefs influenced the development of Hinduism.
* Archaeological Evidence: Indus Valley artifacts depict figures interpreted as potential deities, including a horned god and a mother goddess. These resonate with some Hindu deities, but the lack of deciphered script makes definitive connections difficult.
* Ritual Practices : The elaborate drainage systems and "Great Bath" at Mohenjo-daro suggest an emphasis on cleanliness, potentially a precursor to the importance of ritual bathing in Hinduism
* Decipherment: The Indus Valley script remains undeciphered, making it challenging to understand their specific religious beliefs and practices.
* Continuity: There is a significant gap between the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization and the emergence of recognizable Hinduism. A clear link between the two cultures is yet to be established.
**Further Exploration:**
*John Marshall's Interpretations: In the 1930s, archaeologist John Marshall identified potential connections between Indus Valley artifacts and Hindu concepts like the Mother Goddess and the phallus (linga) symbol. These interpretations are still debated.
*Alternative Perspectives: Scholars like Wendy Doniger caution against drawing conclusive links without a deeper understanding of the Indus Valley culture.

The Indus Valley Civilization and the origins of Hinduism are complex and captivating topics. We encourage you to explore further. Here are some resources:

Indus Valley Civilization on Wikipedia: Wikipedia: Indus Valley Civilization

Religion of the Indus Valley Civilization on Wikipedia: Wikipedia: Religion of the Indus Valley Civilization

A Brief History of Hinduism: A Brief History of Hinduism

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