Rich Freelancers Don't Fall For These 7 Lies

11 months ago

When you start telling people you're a freelancer you're going to get one of two responses:

Either, they'll be supportive (great).

Or they'll tell you one of these '7 myths about freelancing'.

"There's no job security in freelancing."

"You have to work too hard as a freelancer."

"You get no benefits as a freelancer."

"You have to be an extravert to be a freelancer."

Blah, blah, blah.

What those people don't understand is that freelancing is one of the most free and financially rewarding jobs on the planet.

But still . . . it helps to have a little back up when people throw these myths at you.

So in this video I cover "7 Myths About Freelancing That Keep You Poor" and tell you exactly how to bust each one.


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