Redeeming Love The Hosea Story, Book and Movie, #letschat

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Welcome Back Child Of The Most High Living G-D!
Dear Friends and Families,

In an effort to create a shared reading experience throughout our whole community, we have selected to share some of the many books we have enjoyed on a variety of topics. Some might be chapter books, some books are religious, educational, or just to enjoy with a hot cup of tea. The goal of this project or page is to encourage home reading experiences by supplying every family, friend, co-workers, strangers in the grocery store, and subscriber with the opportunity for a motivating, exciting, shared book adventure!

Some might be thinking, ” purchasing books is expense.” There happens to exist several location both online and in person to purchase books or even get books for free.

I use , to purchase used books online. #Funfact Teachers get a discount, yes even homeschool teachers. I also enjoy library book sales, local book fairs, book clubs, friends of the library by city, as well as free library under a tree; just to name a few when searching for low price books.
To see other videos of books that we have reviewed, please click link below
Thank you to those returning, it has been a journey especially with all the updates and changes that tend to happen in the current, but not permanent (B’H) climate the world currently is in. Also, thank you to the new subscribers and followers. I do hope you enjoy the new season and whatever stage one is, please remember we all have to start somewhere and whenever in doubt, dismay, or wonder, ask G-d. Most importantly……….

Links used this video:

Jewish Source Book of Hosea:
Jewish Source to Study Hosea:
Video link to Amazing Love the Hosea Story:
To find Book of Redeeming Love:

My G-d, my Creator, my Father, and the True Love of my Life! 

Please know that everyone will truly be in our prayers.

And you all are loved and appreciated.

with love..,


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