11 months ago

Kenya’s President Ruto is charging ahead with the planned deployment of Kenyan police to occupy Haiti on American orders. He calls it a duty to a brotherly African nation. Haitians are having none of it, however. Watch as they state their reasons for wanting the US as far away from Haiti’s affairs as possible.

From the deaths of more than 10,000 due to a cholera outbreak caused by UN troops, theft of Haiti’s resources, regime change operations and fatherless children left behind, the island has seen it all. Previous interventions have been disastrous for Haitians, but profitable for the West. American organisations, for example, reaped billions of dollars in the name of charity after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. For the millions of Haitians, their lives did not improve as a result.

This new foray into the Caribbean under the guise of Pan-Africanism has received condemnation both in Kenya and Haiti. Listening to Haitians speak on the legacy of previous foreign occupations, it’s a puzzle why the international community and African Union, most unfortunately, are allowing it to happen.

Have a watch and let us know what you think.

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