The Battle Within: The Art of Preframing as a Shield against Satan's Demons - 164

10 months ago

When we are constantly on the lookout for negativity or bad things, our minds become primed to notice and focus on these aspects of life. It's as if we wear a lens that magnifies and brings into sharp focus all the undesirable elements around us. Consequently, our perception becomes distorted, and it becomes challenging to see goodness or positive aspects.

Conversely, if we purposefully shift our focus towards seeking God's goodness, our perspective undergoes a transformation. As we train our minds to recognize and appreciate His handiwork in the world, we start noticing the fingerprints of God everywhere. We become attuned to His presence and see His goodness in nature's beauty, acts of kindness, and the faithfulness of others.

Over time, I have come to realize that when I have those moments, it is Satan attacking me with all his might to shut me down. I knew that God had called me to do this, and he keeps his promises. In Numbers 23:19, it says, “God is not a man that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should repent.” I've had to start learning how to use my shield of faith to quench those fiery darts of the enemy. You may be in this same situation right now so this week, we are going to talk about this a little bit.

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We pray this episode blesses you, and that you have a blessed week!

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