🌿🌿 Monstera Thai Constellation πŸ’š

9 months ago

This was definitely one of my Wishlist plants and I’m so excited to finally have one!

In our tours of the nurseries we’ve never seen this Monstera below $50 for a teeny tiny plant. When I saw @tropicalnorthplants was having a sale and my daughters birthday was coming up (her Wishlist plant too), I surprised her by driving all the way out to their location (about an hour from home) to grab one for both of us at a measly $20…who could pass that up?!?

Of course I had to pick up a few others as well 😁

I hear they can be a little more difficult than the Monstera Deliciosa so I’m going to take the time to learn more about what she needs and hopefully grow her into a huge, beautiful Monstera ❀️

If you have any advice, please share with us in the comments below.

Loving and learning as we grow πŸͺ΄

Houseplants 🌺🌻 Monstera Thai Constellation 🌱 Monstera

#plants #monsterathaiconstellation #monstera #houseplants #plantbabies #wishlistplants

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