Origin of the Anti-Christ PART IV. THE NAZI CONNECTION

11 months ago

The anti-Christ is the "manifestation" of absolute evil. By nature, any man destined to become the "anti-Christ", is by choice the embodiment of "lawlessness".

Barrack Hussein Obama's destiny has already been determined by his choice to embrace lawlessness. My frequent use of the term, "son of perdition" to identify Barrack Hussein Obama is attributed to his overt "lawless" nature, which IS the "seed" of enmity against Christ that is within him. Genesis 3:15.

The final manifestation to "anti-Christ IS the result of the wretched heart of this "son of perdition" who becomes completely possessed by the devil itself.

The "son of perdition" is used synonymously in scripture with the term "man of lawlessness", "man of sin" thus, Hussein's unparalleled lawless behavior betrays his inherent nature and reveals his destined kinship to satan. Hussein is indeed the "son" of perdition. 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Judas' complete transition from a lawless rebel, into the "son of perdition" occurred at the moment that he betrayed Jesus. It was at this precise moment that "satan entered his heart", Luke 22:3.

The same transition of the "son of perdition" has been UNDERWAY during his "LIFE TIME" as Barrack Hussein Obama has persistently pursued a life of lawlessness.

His "life choice" has endeared him to satan, the serpent in the Garden of Eden and will consummate in his FINAL campaign against Christ.

The term "anti-Christ" defines the absolute "purpose" of this "son of perdition", that is to overcome and defeat Yeshua! The devils child IS anti-God, anti-Jew, anti-Messiah anti-CHRIST. He is no less than the "enmity" in the Garden of Eden.

As Judas' "destiny" was by choice, the "seed" of betrayal existed within him by nature, thus he was "destined" to become the son of perdition and could not fulfill the the level of betrayal against the Son of God without complete surrender of his "heart" to satan.

This choice die NOT occur over night. Judas rebellious, lawless life was a "life choice". This was a life long way of life for him. THE SAME OUTCOME IS EXPECTED BY OBAMA.

I do not believe in pre-destination as human choice and free will determine one's destiny.

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