Dattatreya Hosabale launches book Snakes in the Ganga

10 months ago

To pre-order go to https://snakesintheganga.com

Dattatreya Hosabale, gives a heartfelt and encouraging launch speech for the book 'Snakes in the Ganga, authored by Rajiv Malhotra and Vijaya Viswanathan. The book is a path-breaking civilizational audit for billionaires who fund Harvard and a reality check for Indians who are unaware of Harvard's breaking India activities.


00:00 Introduction
02:16 Initial considerations
04:12 The importance of the book
05:32 RM, a 'modern time rishi'
07:37 Fundamental questions raised by RM
09:31 Promoting the interest of real India
10:44 Conclusion and thanks

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