Dr. Paul Marik – Fauci Knew Remdesivir was Deadly – Submitted False Study – Modified Endpoint to FDA

6 months ago

Dr. Paul Barik on Remdesivir: “It was such a TOXIC Drug that the Data Safety Monitoring Board terminated the use of Remdesivir.”

This is a clip around the 50 minute mark from *** Epidemic of Fraud – This is What Really Happened

Hospitals were paid an extra 20% if they added another deadly drug to the Covid Protocol. That drug being a drug that was tested once and Fauci knew without a shadow of doubt that the drug caused kidney and liver failure but he thought it would be great for the elderly who were the majority going to the hospitals.
That drug was Remdesivir.

Fauci participated in scientific misconduct when in the middle of quick trial of Remdesivir, he changed the Primary Endpoint and invented a bogus endpoint called “Time to Recovery” which they said was “statistically significant” and based on this fraud study.

Remdesivir was approved by the FDA on October 20, 2020 from this fraudulent study and the FDA also was aware that this drug was previously shelved because it killed in previous trials. You see corruption and intentional plots by all parties involved.

From me being an independent Bio-Pharm Investor for 15 years, which required to be on FDA calls all the time, my only conclusion is that the FDA serves one purpose and that purpose is to act as a screening process to make sure NO drugs that could really help and heal do NOT get approved. Because the few that made sense were ALWAYS shelved very, very early on in the clinical trial process and the ones that caused Cancer in animals seemed to find their way to approval by study modification and creative / manipulative new trial designs. If they want a drug approved they will find a way. They are there to make sure the good drugs do not reach market, and also to make sure the really bad ones don’t make it to market as that would just look too obvious but to make sure the ones there were obvious made it to market. The FDA is a FRAUD!

Gilead was the maker of Remdesivir, their stock soared on this fake news. They definitely knew that this drug was not a drug, but a POISON and they charged incredible amounts of money after this was approved and of course the Gov was more than HAPPY to pay for it because they knew they could make this Plandemic / Scamdeic appear very real as it would skyrocket deaths. Hard to believe? This is 100% what really did happen. It is FACT!

This was a Unified Conspiracy with multiple Pharma Corporations, the World Government and the 3 Letter Agencies and many individuals who were deliberately put in leadership and authoritative positions.

Remdesivir was a former Antiviral Drug tested by Gilead that was PROVEN to cause both Kidney Failure and Liver Failure. Fauci knew this, the FDA knew this and of course Gilead knew this.

So, what happened?

Fauci modified the primary endpoint midway through the tests, which is NOT SCIENCE – it is fake, fraudulent science, those modified endpoints were met and he quickly told how this drug could be effective.

Fauci knew 100% that it would just help inflate the death numbers so the pandemic would look real, cause FEAR and they could blame it on the Covid Virus so they could push another poison – the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines.

If an elderly person went through the entire Covid Protocol and was treated with Remdesivir, the Vent, the whole works, Midazolam, the chances of them getting out alive were less than 10%.

Fauci is an intentional, premeditated, first degree mass murder who has no conscious and absolutely no compassion whatsoever. Research his dog animal studies – it is sickening what the guy did to those dog, he is f*cking evil.

They honestly believe they are so far above the people that they can look in the camera, smile and tell obvious lies and they know that they can get away with it. If the gov isn’t going to round of the conspirators, who is?

Just a Final Comment on Dr. Richard Amerling:

Dr. Richard Amerling is the Chief Academic Officer of The Wellness Company – which is a very, very suspicious company – see this video here → **The Wellness Company – EXPOSED – Red Flags – Expanding the Narrative – Amazing Polly -- https://rumble.com/v4i5j5i-the-wellness-company-exposed-red-flags-expanding-the-narrative-amazing-poll.html

Whether he is aware of the characters involved in The Wellness Company, I don’t know. How Dr. Richard Amerling even became affiliated with them, I don’t know. Just good to know that there may be players – who are on both sides of the fence, knowingly or not.

Money Talks and it appears The Wellness Company has UNBELIEVABLE FUNDING behind it. Billions of $$.

*Order some Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin below. I did from ReliableRx below.

Source: Clip from Epidemic of Fraud – @ 50 minute mark -- *** Epidemic of Fraud – This is What Really Happened -- https://rumble.com/v4k5wpk-epidemic-of-fraud-this-is-what-really-happened.html

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Thank You!!

END. 3/20/2024 – 9:00 AM

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