5 तरह nutrients कैंसर के खतरे को प्रभावित करती हैं | Anti Cancer Project |#20

11 months ago

5 तरह nutrients कैंसर के खतरे को प्रभावित करती हैं

पोषक तत्व कैंसर को खत्म करने में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं। इसलिए, बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है कि हम जो भी खाद्य पदार्थ लेते हैं, उसमें पर्याप्त पोषणीय मूल्य हो। साथ ही, उनीस्वनीस का प्रोडक्ट और उनकी उपज वास्तव में अधिक पोषक होती हैं और स्वस्थ होती हैं क्या? इस वीडियो में जानने के लिए देखें।

The nutrients play a crucial role in eliminating cancer. Therefore, it's essential that the food we consume contains adequate nutritional value. Also, are organic products and their produce genuinely more nutritious and healthier? Watch the video to find out.



00:00 - Introduction
01:01 - Study 1
01:11 - Study 2
01:24 - Study 3
02:03 - Reason 1
02:27 - Study 4
02:29 - Study 5
02:35 - Study 6
03:12 - Reason 2
04:19 - Reason 3
04:53 - Study 7
05:15 - Study 8
05:27 - Study 9
05:47 - Reason 4
06:04 - Study 10
06:06 - Study 11
06:44 - Study 12
07:10 - Reason 5
07:34 - Study 13
07:38 - Study 14
07:59 - Study 15
08:28 - Conclusion


✉️ shubham@anticancerproject.in
☎️ +91 9310575663

Facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/anticancerprojectofficial
Instagram :- https://instagram.com/anticancerproject



The Anti-Cancer Project is an online hub offering comprehensive information about cancer, emphasizing the impact of diet and nutrition. It shares stories of individuals who successfully beat Stage III and IV cancer without traditional treatments, promoting the power of a healthy lifestyle for healing. The platform aims to motivate cancer patients, providing research-based insights on prevention and healing through dietary changes and improved quality of life.


The Anti Cancer Project shares information for educational purposes only, not for diagnosing or prescribing. It's not a substitute for professional medical advice. People are encouraged to make healthcare decisions with guidance from qualified professionals and their own research. The project doesn't take responsibility for health outcomes based on its educational content.

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