How well do you know Jonah in the Holy Bible, Old Testament. Quiz. Jonah, a servant of God.

11 months ago

The Scriptures reveal Jonah as a servant of God. One thing is that the Words of God does not come back void. See and hear the lesson for today's video and message.

Read the answers in Scripture:
Jonah 1:2
Jonah 1:12
Jonah 1:17
Jonah 3:5-8
Jonah 3:10 and 4:1
Jonah 4:11

We may feel at this time that we have been swallowed up by the big fish, because we want to do what we want and not what God wants. So, we are in darkness, the only way out is to go on your knees and ask for forgiveness and ask for help. Isaiah 41 talks about our Lord helping us, taking us by the hand and will help, He says not to be afraid, He will help us. Receive His mercy and grace and forgiveness of our unbelief, and not trusting in Him that He knows how to help fix us and our situations.

I hope that you will have a blessed day.

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