😋 Delicious Festive Green Beans

11 months ago

People have been playing Christmas songs in ads all day, so I guess it put me in a holiday mood. 😊

So grateful to have received most of these ingredients for free using my PC Optimum points at Shopper's Drug Mart.

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This easy budget -friendly crockpot recipe starts with

❤️ 1/4 C dried red President's Choice Cranberries . These are softened and soaked in the crockpot on low in ⬇️

❤️ 1/4 -1/2 C President's Choice 100% Apple Juice and

❤️ 1/4 -1/2 C President's Choice Distilled water.

When the cranberries are plumped up, add

❤️ Frozen President's Choice Spring Green Beans (enough to cover the bottom of the crockpot- about 1 1/4 C.)

Sprinkle with

❤️ 1/8 tsp. Freshly grated nutmeg

Turn crockpot on high and braise green beans in juices tossing every 3-5 minutes to coat and prevent burning.

When juices are absorbed and beans are your desired texture, remove from heat and enjoy!

Cooking for one can be fun!

Whether you prepare this as a festive side dish or just make it for fun, it is absolutely delicious!

Note: This recipe is not recommended for everyone. Know your own body or ask your doctor if there are any specific foods you should not eat.

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