calm down, they're just words

11 months ago

it's just a general sentiment, man
always askin myself what am i lying to myself about
the most you can hope for is that whatever you repeat is good
what can i do to change the prospects
tim came out in 1985, best replacements album EVER
since i'm adopted i can tell myself anything about my existence (also born on thanksgiving day so...)
i guess i'm trance! like 20% of the time
is this assessment correct
so much of this identity crap is similar to an addiction
america ain't iran so...
maybe we'll get that islamic state is an end of the world prophecy
Christians can't get it together
the more you know the less you wanna know
my conspiratorial thinking has only brought me closer to God
i ordered ronnit to not throw that banana peel out the window
i've slipped on all kindza shit
if only i had eaten that salmon on stage like i had planned
i give off the impression that i'm comfortable up there, but i ain't i promise
not gonna do asmr
cat life right here
you win some, you lose way more
i can talk about failing w/ confidence
over-analysis is annoying but at least my life is always interesting cos it's a puzzle
this trader joes bag finally snapped
they really like batman, these kids i go to church w/
amy is the batman
if i were to take my shit to the next level, i'd put that drawing on a record cover
this picture is a perfect depiction of what happens in my brain
kids are way more interesting than adults cos they're so honest, so it's a nice breather from all these eggshell people
adults are boring n politically correct but still allowed to act like children
so many grown ups just wanna be liked
this is the woman in me right here
the battery is now in the red
it's feeding time ain't it
illicit photographs of me on the wall, i just think it's funny
i'm just an artist so i seem very self-indulgent
trying to do good w/ the bad that i've done
those people that swear up n down they've changed n then behave exactly the same

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