American Gospel Roundtable Discusses Sid Roth Its Supernatural Guest Kevin Zadai Vision of Heaven

10 months ago

American Gospel Roundtable with Dr Michael Brown, Sam Storms, and Justin Peters Discusses Sid Roth Show Guest Kevin Zadai. Kevin Zadai claims Jesus visited him in the middle of the night and was playing a saxophone at the foot of his bed. Then this was discussed at the America Gospel Roundtable event with Charismatics and Cessationist on the gifts of the spirit in today. But the much larger conversation is how are we to discern supernatural experiences that people claim they have had. Of course Justin Peters starts off with all of the fridge things in the charismatic movement like Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and Sid Roth. Some of these people need to be denounced by the charismatic movement because they are lumping us together with these guys. At the same time we do not want to rule out genuine visitations of the Lord. So this really requires being disciplined to use our judgement and discernment because some of the fake stuff will discredit the genuine visitations from the Lord. And they are going to Press Sam Storms and Michael Brown on this issue. Even Sam Storms and Dr Michael Brown realize how ridiculous the stuff on Sid Roth show It's Supernatural sounds at times. I am going to show another clip from the Sid Roth Show with Kevin Zadai explaining his trip to heaven and how he came back playing 14 instruments. I explain that supernatural experiences do happen. However we are called to test the spirits. We are called to be wise and discerning. And sometimes it is better not to share these experience even if you do have them. Mary was visited by an angel and the bible says "she poundered these things in her heart". The modern day charismatic movement would do best to follow Mary's advise.

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