Shocking News: New Study Reports That Woke People Are Likely To Be Depressed And Unhappy

9 months ago

Hang on to your hats, The New York Post has some news about a brand new study that will absolutely FLOOR you. Are you sitting down? Do you have your phone handy in case you need to call 911? OK, here we go … ‘Woke’ people more likely to be unahppy, anxious and depressed, new study suggests. As Keanu Reeves might say, 'WHOA.' This news comes as a complete shock to us. We need to read more about the study to find out what this is all about. -- “Is ignorance bliss?” -- Wait. Hang on. THAT'S the first sentence of this article? We have to pause right there for a second. Is the Post seriously suggesting that anyone who is not 'woke' is ignorant? Yes. Yes, they are. According to the Post's premise in the article, the people who believe those ridiculous, woke ideas are the 'intelligent' and 'educated' ones.

• More at: Twitchy - SHOCKING NEWS: New Study Reports that Woke People Are Likely to Be Depressed and Unhappy

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