Ghost My father Orbs Flying In My Home!!!

6 years ago

How do I know it's my father?
Answer: My father passed away 9 months before this, and this was his first OBON time in Japan.
Obon is a summer event during which people welcome the spirits of their ancestors back home.
Obon is generally observed during the four days between August 13 and 16.

First, we smelled sweat in front of the dog cage.
It was a strong smell of someone who hasn't taken shower for a long time.
I run into this under-arm sweat smell literally as I walked toward it.
I felt someone was standing there or the smell had a shape of a human.
I wasn't scared because I felt that was my father who couldn't take bath for almost 2 years due to terminal cancer.
And he loved taking shower and clean himself possessively when he was healthy.
Even caretakers and nurses in Japan are very good, he wanted to take bath by himself.

As I have been in the US for a long time, I totally forgot about OBON time.
My father came back to see me in the US.
Thus, I started videotaping my father...

PS. My mother who past away 2 years before my father's passing also visited me at this OBON time a day or two days before father's appearance.
My mother came back to home in my dream. I was surprised that she was coming back in my dream...

I will add more Ghost encounter videos soon, please subscribe.

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