The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology.

10 months ago
65 - Odysee - 18-03-24.

Friends, I had the honour of speaking at the XXII Russian Scientific Conference with international participation called "Interdisciplinary studies on security and development problems: economic, social, technological instability: search for solutions."

🔸The conference and its program will be posted on the website of Moscow's Lomonosov State University (founded in 1755, it is the largest and most important university in Russia):

🇬🇧In this video I present the English translation of my speech.

📃 I titled my presentation "The scientific vacuum: The scientific method and its absence in virology."

⚡️❗️ I explain why virology is a pseudoscience, using as an example the official responses we received from the creator and manufacturer of the world's first Covid-19 vaccine, Sputnik, to our FOIA request about the process of virus isolation.

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