Park Ranger Taunts Bear, Gets Chased

6 years ago

With the possible exception of jovially discussing whatever it is they do in the woods, bears are no joke. There’s a lot of lore out there regarding bears’ friendliness, and yet there’s another side to this story. Yogi, Pooh, Paddington— all guilty of perpetuating this positive stereotype despite the fact people are best served being careful around their furry brethren. This video proves that.

A park ranger records a pack of black bears rummaging through some garbage cans.

The alpha cub helps its mother as the other three spectate. “What are y’all doing?” the man asks. “Hey!” he interjects, before firing some type of warning shot out into the distance, “Get outta there!” The mama bear peeks over her shoulder and, after briefly considering the threat this guy could pose, goes back about her business.

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