HOA Karen gets owned

11 months ago

I pray to God as I get older I don't become one of these people nothing to do but walk down the street and not mind my business. a new residence trying to move into his new home and it has nature way. I guess he's the wrong color wrong shade or just doesn't look right to this guy because he decides to go what are you doing here and a bunch of crap you used to work security. great key word is used to asshole. but you don't anymore. are you a cop you got a bad you got a gun and shut your pie hole you wanted you want to suggest something to me I suggest you shut your hole grab a fucking box and help me move my ass in how about that? you ate your ways go too far you don't deserve to be there and I guarantee you damn Rich see you as soon as the sun rises in the East that that man is no longer on the HOA. he don't deserve to be he should be kicked out of the whole neighborhood. people if you notice something strange around you and stuff take note if you think there's something suspicious going on call a cop that's his job that's what your taxes pay his salary for. unless you just feel like giving money away for free let me know I'll give you my address you can send it to me. but if you're not a cop stop trying to be a cop when you were rent a cop and you never had a gun. and he has the nerve to ask are you still going to invite us over?
somebody check this guy's prescriptions because I think he's high as hell.
here's a clue if he was a criminal and you approached him he's a would have shot you or he'd be running away because whatever you ask him he's not going to be able to prove it. but this man was standing in his ground why? cuz he's the homeowner you asshole! it's like seeing a person coming with a store wearing a sidearm that you can plainly see. yeah clue genius that's not the criminal. criminals don't get background checks for guns they don't keep them wide open where everyone can see them they hide them they're sneaky. does that look like a criminal to you? if you had anything between the ears Mr HOA you would have fucking been walking and home already. you might even gotten a decent casserole out of it but no you got to be I got to shove my nose up everyone's ass. one next time I need to take a shit and my arms hurting I can't quite wipe well I'll call you

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