The Name of the AntiChrist Revealed: Ruler of the World Little Horn

11 months ago

This lightning that fell from heaven did not have the power to deceive if possible the very elect. (Hebrew: בָּרָק, bārāq, "lightning") (Hebrew: בָּמָה, "bamah" meaning to be high; an elevation:--height, high place.) Luke 10:18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning [bārāq] from [o or u] heaven [bamah].

But maybe the one who's name means "Ruler of the world little horn" has the power to deceive if possible the very elect. He is the one fulfilling all the prophecies concerning the beast that rises out of the sea and goes to the lake [sea to lake = mar-a-lago]. He is the one who is wounded by the sword [machaira - judicial punishment] and yet lived. He's the one who is speaking great things and pompous words. And just like the Messiah was cutoff during His reign, he has been cut off in the middle of his, but he will be given authority to reign for 42 months.

This is for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

From the Living Room.

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