KaOS - A Distro With a Goal

11 months ago

Today we look at KaOS OS, an independent distro focusing on KDE/QT, and a focus on packaging.
#kaos #kde #linux

00:00 - Intro to KaOS
02:10 - Website and Goals
05:15 - Will It Always be Linux?
06:30 - Repo Setup
07:55 - No More 32bit
09:30 - Website Resources
10:55 - Into the VM!!
12:58 - Wayland Issue Fullscreening
13:55 - Kernel Version, System Specs
14:12 - System Monitor
15:08 - Quick Packages
18:55 - Preinstalled Applications
19:46 - Why Did They Install This???
21:20 - Test That Screen Recorder


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