The Divine Logic of God's Grace | Galatians 3:21

10 months ago

Is the law then contrary to the promises of God? Certainly not! For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. — Galatians 3:21

CALL OUT: I want to give a shout-out to Will Newcomb from Dover, DE, who watches our devotionals before his 4:00 am workout each day. Here's a spiritual workout for you today.

One of the most reasonable and logical arguments against salvation by works is the argument, "If you could've done it, you would've done it. You tried and failed, so God had to do it for you."

This is what Paul is saying here. The Law was God's means of getting our attention. It drove us to the reality that we are persistently and perpetually unrighteous and unlawful. It also pointed us to the one ("the offspring") who could live in perfect obedience to the Law and reveal him as the one who provides salvation and righteousness.

This is one of the things I love about our God. Everything he does is logical, reasonable, purposeful, and righteous, which leads us to freedom. And don't you want freedom? If you do, wouldn't it be foolish to be freed by God's divine sovereignty and continue to live and act like you are under the bondage of the law? May it never be!

Yet I know so many men who live in bondage to sin and shame and keep cycling repeatedly on the same sins. Sometimes, men convince themselves this is their penance. But there is no penance you can pay that Jesus has not paid for you. Remember, "If you could've done it, you would've done it. You tried and failed, so God had to do it for you." Isn't it time to accept his grace, receive his forgiveness, and stop rejecting the righteousness he has already extended to you?

Maybe today is the day you will receive what God has done and extended.

God, for those living under the bondage of repetitive sins, I pray that they will know, accept, and receive your grace and forgiveness today. Help them stop trying to do it on their own. May your Holy Spirit convict them of their selfish attempts and arrogant rejection of your forgiveness and grace. Make clear to them that they are an entirely new creation with a new identity in you. May they never return to the behaviors and patterns of their old life. Amen.

#GraceOverLaw #FreedomInChrist #BreakTheCycle #EmbraceGrace #NewCreation


Reflecting on your own life, in what ways have you found yourself trapped in cycles of sin or legalistic thinking? How can embracing God's grace lead to liberation from these patterns?

Consider a time when you've struggled to accept God's forgiveness and grace for your mistakes. How might recognizing the logical and purposeful nature of God's plan for salvation help you fully receive and embrace His forgiveness in your life?

DO THIS: Receive God's grace.

PRAY THIS: Lord, I confess my tendency to rely on my own efforts and to dwell in shame over my failures. Help me to fully accept and embrace your grace, knowing that through Christ, I am made new and free from the bondage of sin. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Made New.

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