Lara Logan: Poverty-Control of Gov Power, at Heart of DARK MISSION in Flooding Illegals

11 months ago

Logan’s stark reply was a reminder of globalist migration plans.

“Was the real reason they did this to relieve pressure on Border Patrol? No,” Logan said. “The real reason was to hide it.”

Logan explained that what we are seeing is a “global policy on migration that is being implemented in the United States,” and that the policy is being ushered in under the guise that “migration is a human right.”

The reason for this, said Logan, is that population replacement will enable the political class to manipulate every future election with impunity.
To support her claim, Logan directed her audience to “go back to the 2018 United Nations Global Compact on Migration” which enshrined migration as a human right.

It was then that they “began to talk about regular and irregular flows of migration,” she explained, noting the effect this policy had on the language used by the former and current press secretaries of the White House.


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