Artificial Intelligence Will Wreck Women's Lives - MGTOW

6 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ryan and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I recently had a woman tell me I need to have more respect for women. To see them as more than just sex objects. I would like your take on this. Is a woman you are getting to know and trying to date automatically worthy of your respect? I find that I look at all men with respect until they do something to break that trust. I have become more red pilled and know all about the modern woman's past. I am naturally a nice guy and want to be generous to everyone. But I don't want to get walked on either. The ladies want respect but turn around and objectify themselves. The pump and dump culture goes against my social conditioning. I can't help but to simp out when I meet a woman I like. Also, how does a man gain respect from a woman? Thanks for your advice. Cheers!" Well Ryan thanks for the donation and topic. I'm a little bit different than you. I look at all people male or female with suspicion until they do something worthy of my respect. But with regards to trust I'm like you. Since we live in a fairly high trust soyciety I do trust all people until they show me reasons why not to. As for women I'm suspicious of their motives the way that I am of guys named Gary with a thick Indian accent trying to sell me duct cleaning day after day. But what I find interesting about your conversation with that woman is that you didn't mention if you were after her or not. The way she's speaking about you not respecting women is her possibly telling you that she doesn't want you while insulting you at the same time. Did something to make her think you didn't have any respect for her? Or did you just come onto her and that's how she rejected you? As for men respecting women there are women that have my respect and usually by being able to work harder and smarter at something than me. Able to innovate and discover something that no man discovered before them. Like when I read the Money Speech from Ayn Rand in Atlas Shrugged. I respected her ability to write that. Of course she was friends with Alan Greenspan back then so she certainly had a little bit of help. But I find that you don't respect women you want to hop in the sac with. At least not automatically. Attraction is usually just skin deep if you want to do something sexual. But as I've gotten older and women's beauty has become boring all they have left at some point is their personality and accomplishments. And most just coasted on their looks their entire lives so they don't have anything to respect. Women always say things like they want to be respected for more than just what they look like. I find that the women that say that don't do anything worthy of respecting. They spent their entire life being nothing more than a human being instead of a human doing and never accomplished anything worthy of respect. Many these days not even raising children properly. Many of them know you don't really like them or respect them for who they are but only because you're wearing love googles and want to spawn up their slit. But still they won't do anything to gain your respect. They know they are a one trick pony and once the wall comes for their looks they can't transition from sex appeal to male respect. I think that's why many women work so hard to build a career. Because they fear that transition. I'll discus more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's Clown World Explained:

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