017 Thou Shalt Go Even To Babylon (Micah 4:8-13) 1 of 2

11 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Isarael at War 3/13/24 Hostages remain and war rages on as South Africa curses Israel but Floyd Mayweather blessed Israel. (2) The Uniparty (Marxist Progressive Democrats, RINO Progressive Republicans, Socialist, Green, Communist parties united) send American tax money overseas but have no money for our border, veterans, etc. Featuring videos of Joe Biden, Marco Rubio questioning FBI director Wray, Rand Paul on the senate floor and Joe Biden from 40 years ago saying the exact OPPOSITE of his present positions.

In this study, Micah reiterates the Babylonian Captivity but in LIGHT of future glory:

(1) King &amp; Kingdom (4:8)<br /> (2) Chastisement (4:9-10)<br /> (3) Divine Defense (4:11-13)

Also Reference: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23, Joel 3:1-3, Matthew 25:31-33


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