Broken Councils Going Bust—Money Spent On Low Traffic Neighbourhoods - UK Column News

7 months ago

Broken Councils Going Bust—Money Spent On Low Traffic Neighbourhoods
- BBC: Vital services or financial ruin? England's town hall dilemma
- GOV.UK: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods research report
- BBC: LTNs: Councils told to consider residents' views under new guidance
- The Guardian (2010): Tory MP calls for local government planning to be replaced by 'chaos'
- GOV.UK (2010): Queen's speech forum—Eric Pickles
“We are going to shake up the balance of power in this country. We are going to change the nature of the constitution. Be in no doubt about our commitment to localism. I know I look like an unlikely revolutionary, but the revolution starts here.”
- UK Parliament (2013): The impact and effectiveness of ministerial reshuffles
- LabourList (2010): David Miliband unveils his 'movement for change'
- The Guardian (2010): David Miliband follows Barack Obama's lead on community organisation
- UK Parliament (2011): The Big Society—Hansard
- Wikipedia: Book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

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