YYV4C7 Yada Yahowah Observations The Light of Yisra’el In the Splendor of His Garden…

11 months ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:07 Yahowah will rid His Land and distance His Children from the Adversary and those in league with him.
0:04:44 As we consider the story from Bare’syth and Life in the Garden, to Zakaryah and Yahowah’s Return, the story of Pesach / Passover leading to Camping Out on Sukah, it has become evident that the Earth will be restored to the conditions experienced in ‘Eden.
0:08:54 As long as a remnant remains, so long as the land endures, as long as there are Yisra’elites open to the truth and willing to respond, Yahowah will keep the promise He made to ‘Abraham.
0:13:19 Yisra’el is “the home and the family” of Ya’aqob. If you want to live with him in it, you’ll find the adoption papers in the Towrah.
0:21:15 I share this with you to encourage you. We can also please God. We can learn from him and then share what you have learned. Very little else matters.
0:29:49 Based upon the context and etymology, I strongly suspect that tablith is defined by balah and tabel and thus should be translated similarly to what I’ve provided.
0:34:24 As we press forward, the foe is once again masculine singular, returning our focus to the Assyrian.
0:39:38 Having studied what you are about to read, I wish that the following names were provided at random, but they are not.
0:49:18 Moving on to Ramah, it is cited throughout the Writings and Prophets.
0:53:21 That said, Benjamin remains a problem, not just for Yisra’el, but for the entire world. Benjamin is a problem for every government and religion that claims God’s authority, especially Christianity.
0:55:13 Nob is the location of considerable intrigue as reported in 1 Shamuw’el 21 and 22, involving Dowd, Sha’uwl, a priest, and an unsavory shepherd.
0:56:49 Jealous over Dowd’s success and popularity, Sha’uwl ordered his son Yahowchanan | Jonathan to murder Dowd.
1:07:15 He raised his agenda in the Garden six thousand years ago only to have it crushed thirteen years from now.

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