03a Understanding the Kingdom of God (Part I)

11 months ago

Thanks to TruthCat Media
Website: https://www.truthcatmedia.com/

Did Jesus intend to establish an earthly kingdom in His 1st coming, fail & have to postpone it? Will Jesus return to rule a 1,000-year earthly kingdom of peace & prosperity? Or has a lot of "kingdom nonsense" developed over the centuries because Israel wasn't interested in God's kingdom intentions and made a wrong turn by wanting to copy their pagan neighbors' earthly monarchies, which later Judaism and elements of modern Christianity have embraced as what God has always wanted? Erroneous emphases on a few OT prophecies and ignoring crucial passages in the Old Testament and much of what Jesus and His Apostles taught has produced another area of "End Times" expectations that is very popular, but is probably causing people to miss what God intended from the beginning. In these two videos, you will encounter some Biblical information that those promoting popular ideas never mention, but may give you a new and clearer understanding of what God had in mind concerning the "Kingdom of God/Heaven."

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