"Boy Sings In Front Of Mirror"

6 years ago

"This young boy sings in front of a mirror and it is a sight to see. It is no secret that we all love singing. It relaxes us and it is very fun. However, we sometimes have trouble singing in front of people so we choose to sing in the comfort of our home. One room in particular - the bathroom. We don't know what it is, but somehow we make the best performances there! We sing and we dance, use the hairbrush as a microphone, observe our dance moves in the mirror and it is so much fun! This boy is just like us. He is having a blast singing in front of the bathroom mirror, but his performance is quickly interrupted by his sister who comes in with a camera. Of course, as soon as he notices her he goes out of the bathroom chasing her because it is never okay to interrupt someone's performance!"

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