"A Cute Baby Boy Laughs Whenever His Mom Blows Her Hair"

6 years ago

"Is there anything lovelier and more heartwarming than a baby's laughter? It's the dearest music to every parent ear, but did you know it can also be contagious? If you don't believe us, check out this video and see it for yourself! It shows the most adorable baby boy with the sweetest and most contagious laughter ever! He sits in his chair in front of his mom who is amusing him by blowing her hair out of her face, and this baby boy just finds that hilarious and starts laughing! Just listen to him. His laughter is so catching that if you start laughing at him, you will be joining him for some time because you won't be able to stop! It doesn't matter what makes him laugh, but that his laughter is so great, that makes everyone laughing along. So, if you are looking for something to brighten up your day, this is a sure winner!"

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