wittle wicky whiner aka ricky pinzon

11 months ago

Ricky Lee Pinzon. A career criminal FELON. Twice convicted of posession of narcotics & firearms. A vexatious litigant. A professional VICTIM. A deadbeat dad. A mentally ILL stalker. A doxxer. A miserable meth tweaking PARANOID pathetic LOSER. A whiny crybaby who has filed 56 false copyright claims, numerous false reports hates free speech and the first amendment. This american hating sovereign citizen domestic terrorist drug addict needs prison. A LEECH on society and a burden on TAXPAYERS. Ricky L Pinzon makes threats and is under investigation by numerous law enforcement agencies. Ricky L PInzon admits that he made threats to kill mitchell crooks. The original copwatcher. Ricky L Pinzon is a danger to society and needs to go back to prison where he spent most of his sad pathetic life.

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