Hopegirl - What they don't want you to see.

11 months ago

So the levels of censorship have gone even deeper. We’ve just been censored on Rumble, the supposedly free speech platform, not once, not twice but three times in the last couple of months. I’m going to walk you through my own analysis of what I think is being censored, and why its being censored. This is an important update because I’m trying to show you what I think it is that they don’t want you to see. You know censorship kills people and I’ll explain that more towards the end of the video. Free speech is literally a matter of life and death.
Read Full Blog Post here: https://www.hopegirlblog.com/?p=11072&preview=true

The Three Censored Videos:
Environmental Democide -Hope and Val https://rumble.com/v2ficsy-premeditated-d-e-m-o-c-i-d-e-hope-and-val.html

Quantum Chemical Warfare- Hope and Tivon

Satan Summoning His Legions Todd Callender and Dr Lee Vliet

Our Book Forbidden Tech http://www.forbiddentech.website

Our EMF Protection Products: http://www.ftwproject.com

Please Support these Atlernative Media Outlets:

SGT Report https://sgtreport.com/
Maria Zeee of Zeemedia https://zeeemedia.com/
Dr. Jane Ruby https://drjaneruby.com/
Mark Attwood Show https://themarkattwoodshow.com/
Brighteon and Mike Adams https://www.brighteon.com/
Ann Vandersteel and the Zelenko Foundation https://www.zfreedomfoundation.org/
JWTV https://www.youtube.com/Jworkoutstv
Todd Callendar and Vaxxchoice.com https://www.vaxxchoice.com/
HolisticHealth Uncensored Health News https://www.holistichealthonline.info/

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