The FULL Story of Pitt's Horrific and Disturbing Fetal Experimentation with PA Pro Life Federation

10 months ago

Listen to CMP President, David Daleiden, discuss in full the horrors of the University of Pittsburgh's experiments with Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and how they were discovered.

FINNERTY: In 2015, after an
extensive undercover investigation, the Center for Medical Progress released a series of videos
that shocked the nation. And now, David, through more investigative
work has uncovered disturbing information
about the research being done at the University of Pittsburgh,
a taxpayer-supported school. What prompted you to look into research
at the University of Pittsburgh?
How did you do it and what did you find?

DALEIDEN: The University of Pittsburgh
has really been a hub for some of the most barbaric experiments
done with aborted baby body parts and even done
with whole living aborted infants.

There have been whistleblower reports
going back to the 1970s when nurses from the University
of Pittsburgh Training Hospital coming forward and telling
the Pennsylvania legislature, “We're seeing live babies being packed
in ice and shipped off to laboratories”.

The head of Pitt’s
Anatomy Department back in the from the 1930s to the 1950s was doing
experiments on live aborted infants. And there are videos of it on YouTube. So this you know, this has been going on for decades
at the University of Pittsburgh. They have never repudiated it.

And while my team was undercover at a
at a Planned Parenthood abortion industry trade show, we actually you know,
we met a group of abortion providers who were from Planned
Parenthood Western Pennsylvania. And they told us very straightforwardly
undercover that they were the ones who were supplying baby body
parts to the university's tissue bank. And so that sort of set my my radar off
a little bit back in 2014 when we when we had that conversation
undercover with them

Beginning in 2019,
I started being told by sources Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
was one of the locations where the FBI felt
that they had the strongest fact pattern on Planned Parenthood illegally
selling baby body parts. Then at the very end of 2020,
beginning of 2021, this absolutely horrific, depraved information
came out about this experiment where they were scalping,
five month old aborted babies and stitching them onto
lab rats to keep them growing. This was funded with multiple grants from the NIH for experiments
at the University of Pittsburgh.

The other big one
that we've been focusing on this summer, we were able to obtain the original NIH
grant application documents from the University of Pittsburgh, applying for a three million dollar
NIH grant to become this big distribution hub in the actual words that they use in the in the program
to become a “distribution hub” for aborted fetal kidneys, taxpayer
funded across the country. And this grant application reads
like an episode of American Horror Story. For any of your listeners who are who are
who are watching this stuff. It explicitly advertises to the NIH that the University of Pittsburgh
is going to use a labor induction abortions, which are
where the baby is, just is just pushed out whole
out of the out of the a “method to obtain tissue.” And they say that
they are going to be able to track and time and take steps
to minimize the warm ischemia time of the of the body
parts when they harvest them. And the standard medical definition
of ischemia is when there's a loss
of circulation of blood to the body parts. So if you put those two things together, what the University
of Pittsburgh is saying is that they're going to be delivering these late term fetuses
for organ harvesting. And they know the exact time when their kidneys
are going to be cut off from blood supply and they're going to do everything
they can to make sure that the time, the time with the blood
loss is is kept to a total minimum. These are clearly cases of at the very least, classic
partial birth abortion and probably straight up infanticide,
where the baby is being delivered whole and alive in the cause of death,
as is cutting the kidneys out. So this is very serious.

It's very disturbing.

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