LIVE ACTION Life Awards 2021 - David Daleiden Full Speech " longer a price tag on human life."

6 months ago

TRANSCRIPT: David Daleiden at LIVE ACTION Life Awards - "Well, thank you. Thank you, Lila, for that very kind introduction and what a beautiful evening to be here with all of you tonight, especially Eduardo and Katrina.

I only have about five minutes to address all of you, so I'm going to try to keep my remarks brief. If for some reason I'm not able to do that and I end up going on a little bit too long, just know that you could always call the White House and Kamala Harris will be happy to send 11 jackbooted thugs to carry me off the stage.

Thank you, Lila, and live action for this great honor. My undercover reporting caught Planned Parenthood's highest level leadership callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts.

And it led to the closures and guilty pleas of multiple of Planned Parenthood's baby body parts companies. It galvanized public scrutiny against fetal trafficking and fetal experimentation. And it established the violations of medical standards and ethics necessary to successfully disqualify Planned Parenthood from taxpayer funding in multiple states.

The results and the reporting are ongoing. And tonight, we owe so much gratitude to my fellow undercover investigators who helped make this happen to Adrian and to Sandra, Brianna and Giorgio, and also to the courageous whistleblower, my dear late friend, Holly O'Donnell.

And also to my incredible video producer Ryan, to many other brave and wise helpers and benefactors along the way, and of course, to my current team at the Center for Medical Progress, some of whom are here with us tonight.

The abortion industry has never been more exposed in its sordid history than it is right now. More Americans than ever before know about the systemic racism that abortion was founded on and how Planned Parenthood targets vulnerable minority communities.

More Americans than ever before know about, you know, about the deep misogyny and contempt for women's bodies and women's lives that Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry perpetuate in their political and financial investments in abortion.

No one can any longer deny the barbaric violence that abortion visits day after day upon the tiniest new individuals in the human family. Everyone can see the human trafficking of aborted fetuses for government sponsored experiments. Everyone knows that Planned Parenthood sells baby parts.

Our culture is experiencing a great awakening right now about the human dignity of our brothers and sisters in the womb and about the inhumanity of abortion practice and its parasitic subsistence. At the intersection of all too familiar social injustices of materialism, racism, misogyny, nihilism and civic apathy.

But as the light continues to shine in this darkness, it is my great privilege and deep honor to be just one of many bold parts of the effort to undo this night in our civilization. And it is it is a very special blessing indeed tonight to be receiving this award from Lila and Live Action...

A lot of people don't know this still, but my conviction about the importance and the necessity of a comprehensive exposé of the trafficking of aborted children in their body parts began when I was working at live action over 10 years ago. And so there is one more person that I and everyone here tonight must acknowledge and thank for the significant victories that my work has been able to accomplish so far.

And that person is Lila Rose. Lila, in so many ways, my reporting will always trace its origins to your courageous vision and leadership. Through the practice of undercover reporting and through and during the sometimes vicious retaliation of the defenders of abortion, I am learning ever more deeply the profound truth that what a fallen heart or even a fallen angel may intend for evil. God can reclaim and use for good. The giants are roaring at us from all directions right now because the giants know that they have been discovered. I am not I am not the only David here tonight.

I am looking at a room full of David's right now. So as we march forward together in the coming months, as we call out for Goliath's defeat, let's also rejoice together in the presence of God. Let's embrace the beauty and the imperfection of human life and the fallen world.

Let's believe that curses are meant to be broken. And let's hasten the day when there is no longer a price tag put on human life. Thank you. Good night."

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