"Slow Mo ‘Avalanche’"

7 years ago

"Kids love playing in the snow! What’s better than a winter wonderland? However, this kid maybe went a little bit too far. In this funny video, you’ll see a toddler who is playing with a block of snow placed on the back of the dumpster. It pokes it with a stick until the whole block falls on the boy and completely covers him in the snow. And all that in slow motion! Hilarious! It’s like a tiny backyard avalanche!nThere are so many winter activities for kids. Tug of War in the snow, Powder Puff Football, Dodgeball in the snow, Capture the Snow Flag, Pin the Nose on the Snowman, Snow Baseball, Snowball Relay… So, we just can’t understand why this kid decided to pick the dumpster with a stick instead of enjoying one of these marvelous snow games. Well, this game did end hilariously so we can enjoy and laugh at this funny little boy!"

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