02/25/24 | The “Why” to our “What” as Christians | Holy Cross Lutheran Church | Midland, TX

7 months ago

To support Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Midland, Texas:

0:00 Intro and First Hymn ("Lift High the Cross")
6:45 First Prayer & Introit
10:51 Old Testament Reading (Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16) & Epistle (Romans 5:1-11)
14:04 The Holy Gospel According to St. Mark, the eighth chapter
20:41 Children's Message
24:00 Sermon
Prayer of the Church
36:44 Offering & Prayer of Thanksgiving
43:45 Communion & Hymn ("Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus")
52:00 Final Prayer & Hymn ("When Peace, Like a River")

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