Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Bioweapon Injections Now

10 months ago

There is much more in the 1-hour in-depth interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives an update on the push to stop all CV19 bioweapon mRNA/nanoparticle injections for 3.16.24.

To check out the story about stopping the CV19 nanoparticle mRNA CV19 injections in Florida, click here: (Scroll down and read the mountain of proof that proves the CV19 injections are dangerous bioweapons that did not help a single person.)

To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here:

(Please support the truthtellers.)

If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here:

If you want to make a snail mail donation to Karen Kingston, please do so at:

miFight Inc.
960 Postal Way #307
Vista, CA 92085

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