StemExpress Shipped Baby Parts from Planned Parenthood Against FedEx Rules

10 months ago


Former StemExpress Procurement Technician Describes How Company Broke FedEx Rules to Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts from Planned Parenthood

Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28—In a new video, a whistleblower from the fetal tissue wholesaler StemExpress tells how the company shipped body parts from Planned Parenthood abortions in knowing violation of FedEx policies.

Holly O’Donnell worked for StemExpress as a procurement technician from late 2012 to early 2013, stationed inside some of the biggest Planned Parenthood clinics in northern California. StemExpress workers used private patient medical files leaked to them by Planned Parenthood management to target pregnant women who could meet their body parts order quotas for the day. The StemExpress workers, who received a bonus based on the number and type of body parts they harvested, dissected the fetuses, packaged the organs, and shipped them off via FedEx to StemExpress research customers. StemExpress in turn paid Planned Parenthood based on the number of fetal specimens “determined in the clinic to be usable.”

In the sixth video of a new series from The Center for Medical Progress highlighting her eyewitness testimony, O’Donnell explains how one day she and her supervisor had trouble shipping body parts at FedEx in San Jose, CA:

“The guy behind the counter kinda is looking at her funny, and she goes, ‘I want to ship this here,’” recounts O’Donnell. “And he looks at her and says, ‘What’s in the package?’ and she goes, ‘Um, does it matter?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, ‘cause I know what’s in that package. I’m not shipping it.’”

The FedEx Service Guide Terms and Conditions state: “You are prohibited from tendering the following items for shipment, and you agree not to do so:” listing, “Human corpses, human body parts, human embryos, or cremated or disinterred human remains” under “Prohibited Items.”

When O’Donnell asked her supervisor why FedEx was refusing to ship the aborted fetal parts, she says her supervisor replied, “Oh, because he know’s what’s in here, you’re technically not supposed to ship body parts,” and then told O’Donnell: “I’ve got to go all the way across town to go to a different FedEx and drop this off,” apparently as a way to trick a different FedEx branch into shipping the body parts against their services agreement with StemExpress.

After over a year of nationwide investigation last December, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Select Investigative Panel referred StemExpress and its business partners Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, Planned Parenthood Northern California, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice for further investigation and criminal prosecution.

Earlier this month, The Hill reported that the FBI is seeking thousands of pages of unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation and criminal referrals of Planned Parenthood, StemExpress, and related entities. Attorney General Jeff Sessions then confirmed in Congressional testimony that the findings in the referrals could form the basis of criminal charges against Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, once verified by the Department of Justice.

CMP project lead David Daleiden notes, “Holly O’Donnell’s eyewitness account of the day-to-day harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts the work of the Congressional investigations, which found “systematic violations” between StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood and StemExpress ran a profit-driven business to sell aborted baby hearts, lungs, livers, and brains, and it is time for these corrupt organizations to be held accountable under the law.”


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