Article 4707 Video - To Expedite Understanding - Sunday, March 17, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4707 Video - To Expedite Understanding - Sunday, March 17, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Understanding is a good thing. It helps people get along and do their jobs and live their lives in a cooperative and peaceful manner.

In my experience at least 95% of the attorneys in this country don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong.

They've been told that we are in a "state of war" -- and have been ever since the Civil War. They've been told -- some of them -- those in positions of leadership and power, that their actions are justified under the Law of War. They've been lied to.

They don't know that the Civil War was actually a Mercenary Conflict, and every "war" since then has also been a Mercenary Conflict. None of these horrible fights have the dignity of being an actual war and so, there is no Law of Conquest, no Law of War, no Law of Peace --- nothing to justify what they have done here.

So we have two levels or audiences --- the completely clueless and the deluded -- to fully inform. Attached you will find a handy-dandy "General Information for Attorneys" that is appropriate to send or give away to any attorney you have cause to speak to or interact with.

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