Article 4705 Video - Mountain Magic and the Ten Commandments By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4705 Video - Mountain Magic and the Ten Commandments - Sunday, March 17, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

There's no such thing as magic; there's only undiscovered truth and beauty and power, which we are heir to.

Recently, a call went out --- a spiritual call, calling all our scattered people together. All men and women of goodwill. All those devoted to truth. All those who are ready to embrace a world of peace, beauty, and compassion. All those ready to throw off the shackles that have been placed upon our minds and hearts.

Come together. Learn and discern.

The strange thing about the truth and the people who know it and tell it, is that you can sense that the truth lives in them. You can see it in their eyes. You can hear it in their voices.

They are at peace, because there is no Falsehood in them.

Here is such a man, and if you will, he will unlock the True Magic for you:

His name is Raymon Grace, and he has made it his life's work to quietly, kindly, humbly show you how you can make good use of the 33 Trillion volts of electricity that it takes to keep you alive and incarnate on this Earth.

We've got a problem in California. And you can help. We've got a coven of witches that includes hundreds of members statewide, and a bunch of New Age Occultists who worship the Devil and their own Ego.

Our country and our world can't go on like this.

I knew we were in trouble three years ago when I explained that American Common Law is founded on The Ten Commandments and that The Ten Commandments were chosen as the basis of our law because it was the one thing that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism could all agree on.

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