Chapter 07/20 Part 2 - Hazrat Nooh, The Great Flood, Toofan E Nooh, Noah's Ark (Quran And Science)

11 months ago

Story of Hazrat Nooh a.s, Toofan e Nooh, The great flood, The Noah's ark, Quran and Science, The flood tablet, Epic of Gilgamesh, Hazrat Nooh a.s Ka waqia, Hazrat Nooh a.s. ki Kashti, Islamic History.

Welcome to the 7th chapter of 40,000 Years Of Knowledge series.

In this 2nd part of 7th chapter, I will tell you about the reasons for a great flood and how the animals spread onto the earth. #quranandscience #hazratnooh #hazratnoohas #noahsark #qasasulanbiya #islamichistory #quranpak #qasasulquran

01. How did Noah's Animals multiply ? 00:13
02. A story about animals 01:01
03. Many many species 02:10
04. The Ayat about taxonomy 03:26
05. A local or a global flood ? 03:48
06. Was it a local flood ? 04:06
07. The flood water itself 05:06
08. Story of A Great Flood in the world 05:55
09. Flood story in different cultures 06:22
10. Flood story in Norse mythology 07:11
11. Flood story in Irish mythology 08:42
12. Flood story in Hindu mythology 09:59
13. Flood story in Chinese mythology 10:37
14. Flood story in Sumerian mythology 11:00
15. Flood story in Greek mythology 11:57
16. Flood story in Persian mythology 12:25
17. Flood story in Hawaii & Australia 12:52
18. The Reason For a Global Great Flood 14:25
19. A world after the flood 29:03
20. How did the animals spread onto the earth 33:13

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