women can wear pants too

11 months ago

if you don't want to wear pants that's fine just make sure you got skirt and panties unless your commando but we're not allowed to wear skirts at work we have to wear pants it is socially acceptable I'm allowed to by law I'm allowed to buy my religion. saying that women can't wear pants as you can plainly see while the point is I don't want them seeing up my skirt! it gets windy around here. this is not the movie set of "Some like it hot"; believe me I am not Marilyn Monroe. and this isn't the goody hour show. to preach to everyone and tell them things and leave pamphlets I'm fine with that I'm fine with what you believe but I don't believe that you should push it on everyone else and make them feel like they're less than or to mean them or tell them they're doing wrong you're not the judge. that's the problem too many people read the Bible and think they're God himself. you are not spread the word is one thing to insult or say you're doing wrong cuz you're wearing pants that's another. I don't have to agree and you can agree with it and that's the wonderful thing about this country. but no thank you. I appreciate all the hard time and money you spent on making copies writing it out researching it but I'm good. especially with the Lord cuz I don't have to worry about being good with you. you're not my judge you're not my Creator and you certainly are not a God so stop acting it. to keep it to yourself or those who believe it like mine ask if they want the info they'll take it if they want it. hey maybe get a little sunshine meet some new people you never know. I wish you luck. oh and just a notation that phone number is on a pamphlet found in a public place. so if it's there for anyone to see it doesn't make any harm if I publish it she didn't have a problem leaving it out you can tell it's a Wilmington writing so she left it there with the phone number on it already she wants people to call her. so my publishing it is not a violation of any laws. just want to make sure you all know that

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