Pantry Challenge Jan 7-12 #threeriverschallenge #lowspendchallenge #EverydayPantryChallenge

11 months ago

Here are our small family's meals of the week during g the 2nd week of #threeriverschallenge. I try to do #EverydayPantryChallenge throughout the year too.
7th: Chicken Strips
8th: Turkey Soup (leftovers)
9th: Breakfast Burrito/Omelette
10th: Spaghetti
11th: Breakfast Burrito/Spaghetti (leftovers)
12th: Butter Chicken

** I should have recorded more voice overs, but my son was quite wild, noisy, and interrupting the past few (snow) days! I need to get my office put together!

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