The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 328 - Gangs

11 months ago

In this video i want to talk about the Jesuit Order and detail some results of their activities in the New World. When I say New World this means all of North and South America. It is important to do this regularly and keep a proper perspective on who these EVIL people are because they are so good at concealing themselves and their actions. The Jesuits have re-written history and written themselves and their wicked deeds out of it essentially. Today you will see only a united front online PRAISING the Jesuits for their Social Justice “Good Deeds.” Do not be deceived by this propaganda. The Jesuit Order Earth Beast GANG has been working overtime since 1540 to usurp control over the nations. That project is essentially complete today through Freemasonry and their United Nations “Image Of The Beast” One World Government. One country that i have chosen to highlight that absolute control is Haiti. Once again by using Haiti as an example i can demonstrate that ALL the nations of the Earth have been and are subject to the same Roman system of infiltration, subversion, conquest and control. There are NO exceptions. The whole world is controlled by an hierarchy of GANGS!

Learn more at:

How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!

Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost!

The Holy Spirit

The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast”

The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Twelve Pages - 338 Videos

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